As reported by AfroAmerica Network, as the security situation in the DRC worsens and the human rights abuses in Rwanda have increased, pushing the US Government and the US Senate to be mulling over economic sanctions targeting Rwandan leaders, United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is already travelling in Africa, with a stay in Pretoria, South Africa, and scheduled visit in Kinshasa, DRC on August 9, 2022 and in Kigali, Rwanda on August 10, 2022 to address the matter (see USA-DR Congo-Rwanda: Is the USA Government Mulling Over Imposing Sanctions Against Rwandan Government Leaders Over RDC and Human Rights Abuses?). Meawhile, independent reports confirm that on August 4, 2022, the UN Security Council was presented a report by UN Experts confirming that the Rwandan military has been supporting, reinforcing, and arming and deploying troops within M23 Congolese rebels.
USA-DR Congo-Rwanda: Is the USA Government Mulling Over Imposing Sanctions Against Rwandan Government Leaders Over RDC and Human Rights Abuses?
The Government of the United States of America, the House of Representatives, and the Senate have been discussing the deteriorating security and human rights situation in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in Rwanda. At the same time, as the security situation in the DRC worsens and the human rights abuses in Rwanda have increased, United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is reported to be planning a trip to Kigali, Rwanda and Kinshasa, DRC in August 2022 to address the matter, while the US Government and the US Senate are mulling over economic sanctions targeting Rwandan leaders.
DRC-Rwanda Crisis: Accused of War Crimes in DRC and the Region and Increasingly Isolated by International Community Rwandan Government Appeals to UN Security Council
Over the last few weeks, the Rwandan government, led by dictaror General Paul Kagame, has been increasingly condemned and isolated by prominent World personalities and leaders, international organizations, and the international community. These actions have come as a shock to the Rwandan leader and his government. In fact, until recently, few in the World leaders and international organizations dared to openly challenge the government of Rwanda for being the main actor behind the wars and related tragedies in the Great Lakes region of Africa. As a reaction to the increasing condemnation and isolations, on June 10, 2022, the Rwandan government sent a memorandum, of which AfroAmerica Network has received a copy, to the United Nations Security Council, accusing the international community and some countries of "incendiary statements, hate crimes, hate speech", and, shockingly alledging "public incitement to genocide targeting Rwandans and Congolese who speak Kinyarwanda."
DRC-Rwanda Crisis: Rwandan Army Accused of War Crimes; Belgian King Philippe Condemns Rwanda; Focus on Prince Charles and Pope Francis
On Wednesday June 8, 2022, Belgium’s King Philippe, who is currently in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on a historic six-day tour, openly condemned the Rwandan army for invading the country. The condemnation came just a day before the Rwandan army was accused of war crimes. In previous weeks, many prominent leaders, including those of the United Nations and the Catholic Church, called on the Congolese people to stand up against Rwandan invasion (DR Congo: The UN and the Catholic Church Call For a Firm Action and the People to Stand up Against Rwanda and M23 Rebels)