On January 18, 2025, in his public address during the ceremony of exchange of wishes, for 2025, with the members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the DR Congo, the DR Congo President Félix Tshisekedi, has reiterated his positions regarding the invasion of Eastern DRC by Rwandan troops. In his address, he called for overdues international sanctions against Rwandan leaders, and rejected any proposition of a dialogue with M23, considering the pressure as an external attempt to legitimize the invasion of Rwandan troops under the cover of M23.
The speech happened following the controversial statements by Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame claiming that Felix Tshisekedi was never elected. Paul Kagame also appeared to mock Félix Tshisekedi one of " african idiot leaders". In late 2023, President Felix Tshisekedi on a presidential campaign for his reelection, while addressing his supporters, directed his attacks against Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame comparing him African Hitler and promising his supporters that, if elected, he would declare war against Paul Kagame and invade Rwanda all way to Kigali to overthrow Paul Kagame's regime.