Jan. 8, 1959 Associated Press file photo; Cuba's Fidel Castro speaks at the Batista military base "Columbia," now known as Ciudad Libertad, in Cuba.

Fidel Castro, the former Revolutionary leader of Cuba has died. The news was announced by his brother Raoul Castro, the current leader of Cuba. 

"The commander in chief of the Cuban revolution died at 22:29 hours this evening," President Raul Castro said on Friday, November 25, 2016.

President Raoul Castro said, in a message to the Cuban nation the nation broadcasted on state television that Fidel Castro had died and will  be cremated on Saturday, November 26,

Read more …Revolutionary Cuban Leader Fidel Castro dies at 90.

FARC leaders and combatants

Is the longest running war in the Americas finally ending? Six weeks after the previous deal was rejected by the popular vote, the two opponents , Colombia’s government and the largest rebel group in the country, known as  

Read more …Colombia Opponents Try Again to End Longest Running War in the Americas: A Model for African...

FARC leader Timochenko and Colombia President Santos shake hands at the Peace agreement ceremony in Cuba in Sept. 2016

The longest running war in the Americas was supposed to end last week. Unfortunately, Colombians narrowly rejected the deal in a vote  on Oct 2, 2016, resetting the clock for further negotiations. Despite the setback, today on Oct 7, 2016, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the 52-year conflict.

Read more …Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Wins Nobel Prize for His Efforts To End Longest Running War...

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