
DR Congo - US - Rwanda: US Government Imposes Sanctions Against Leaders of AFC- M23 - Twirwaneho Rebels in DRC

US-Africa Summit Washington December 14, 2022

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On July 25, 2024, The United States Government designated  and sanctioned  top Congolese leaders of the rebel movement Alliance Fleuve Congo, M23, and Twirwaneho. The sanctions target the leader Corneille Yobeluo Nangaa (aka Nangaa), of  Congo River Alliance (Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC)), Bertrand Bisimwa (aka Bisimwa) , President of M23, and Charles Sematama (aka Sematama),  the commander and deputy military leader of Twirwaneho.

The sanctions follow those imposed on August 24, 2023 against a Rwandan military  general,  Brigadier General Andrew Nyanvumba, leading the  Congolese invasion by Rwandan troops under the cover of M23 rebels, that  were enacted a week after the  US Secretary of State Antony Blinken  called to put pressure on Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame, regarding the invasion of the DRC. 

Rwandan troops, under the cover of M23 rebels, have been responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), for more than a decade.  Since the beginning, AfroAmerica Network has reported, based on the sources within the Rwandan Government, that M23 rebels were just a cover of the Rwandan troops (see DR Congo - US - Rwanda: US Government Imposes Sanctions Against Top Rwandan Military General Accused of Leading M23 Rebels in DRC).  

The sanctions were imposed by the  U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)   on the Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), a coalition of rebel groups that includes M23 Rebels, already under the  sanctions by  the U.S.  and UN sanctions, for being behind  the invasion, instability, war crimes, and humanitarian tragedies in  the  Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Hence, the sanctions by  OFAC  expanded to the individuals and entities associated with AFC. These include Bertrand Bisimwa, the president of M23; Twirwaneho, an AFC-affiliated armed group in the DRC’s South Kivu province; and Charles Sematama, a commander and deputy military leader of Twirwaneho. 


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US Sanctions Expanding to Leaders Covering  the Invasion of DR Congo by Rwandan Regime.

Corneille Yobeluo Nangaa  is the former president of the  DRC - Commission Electorale Nationale Independante (CENI)  and  a key figure in the delay of the DRC’s 2016 elections, which were postponed until 2018.  He was also allegedly involved in the recent failed military coup against Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi.

It is well documented that Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), launched in Nairobi, Kenya in 2023,   is also supported by the Rwandan Army  providing the weapons and combatants through M23-rebels and is funded by some of the well known Congolese leaders, including  former President Joseph Kabila and  General John Numbi, his central figure and right hand  during his administration (see DR Congo - Rwanda : After Comparing Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame to Hitler, DR Congo President Tshisekedi Promises Overthrowing His Regime If Reelected). 

Corneille Nangaa was also promised  the presidency of DR Congo by both Paul Kagame and Joseph Kabila, as M23 rebels pushed forward in its invasion of Eastern DRC.  He is currently based in Uganda where he allegedly receive protection from the Ugandan military and political leaders.

Bertrand Bisimwa  is the Rwandan government puppet serving as the  president of M23 rebels. He attended the launch ceremony of  AFC and coordinates the  agreements between AFC and M23.

Twirwaneho is an armed group under the command of Charles Sematama, a deserted officer of the Congolese army, FARDC. It is based in South Kivu province, Eastern DRC. Like M23, it is also  a member of AFC. 

With the latest  US sanctions, the key question remains.  Will  the top Rwandan military leaders behind AFC, M23 and Twirwaneho be also sanctioned ?  Among the Rwandan Defense Forces Top Military leaders that have  been considered for sanctions for leading the invasion of the DRC, under the cover of M23 Rebels and Twirwaneho  are: :

  • General James Kabarebe, until recently the Defense and Security Adviser to the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, who  designed and coordinated the invasion.
  •  Military leaders who designed the strategy and led the implementation of the operations:  General Jean Bosco Kazura, Lieutenant General Mubarakh Muganga, Major General Franck Mugambage, Major General Vincent Nyakarundi, Major General Ruki Karusisi, Major General Eric Murokore, and Brigadier General Rugumyangabo Gacinya; 
  • Brigadier General Andrew Nyanvumba: Coordination of on ground operations by  RDF special and reserve forces; 
  • Command of deployed RDF troops 201st and 301st brigades brigades, RDF special forces: Major General Ruki Karusisi, Major General Alexis Kagame,  Major General Emmy Ruvusha, and Captain Niragire Jean Pierre, aka alias Gasasira.

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