Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Nguema Settled Kleptocracy Case in US in 2014

They loot their countries, swim in a sea of wealth and orgies farther from their homelands,  mostly in Western foreign lands, especially the United States, while their people are starving or dying from easily preventable diseases, and their killing squads are brutally murdering those who dare to speak up against corruption, embezzlement and tyranny.

"They" are tyrants and corrupt foreign leaders and their relatives, mostly from Africa, Asia, and Russia. After siphoning the economies of their countries, they use the loot to buy mansions, Yachts, rare paintings and artworks, luxury apartments, jewelry, million dollar cars, and other expensive items in the United States of America or hide the money via Panama, through shell companies. What is remaining is spent on prostitutes, gambling, and never ending parties. But this is changing, thanks to the United

Read more …Kleptocrat Dictators: US Department of Justice Steps Up Investigation Efforts

9-11 Terrorist Attack

On Sep 28, 2016, in an overwhelming majority of 97-1, out of 100 senators, the US Senate has rejected the veto by President Obama.  Hours later, the US House of Congress confirmed the vote by 348-77. With the Senate and House votes, families of those killed in the terror attacks on 9/11 are now legally allowed to sue Saoudi Arabia.

The vote is a major step and may se a precedent. For one, this is the first time, during his two terms, that a veto by President Obama is overturned.

Read more …House and Senate Overturn President Obama's Veto Over 9-11 Victims: US Citizen Victims, and Their...

Rwandan General Paul Kagame accused of widespread crimes against humanity and genocide in Uganda, Rwanda, and DRC

He has been accused of multiple crimes, including systematic mass murders, ethnic cleansing, and genocides in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC).

His accusers have included people from all walks of life and institutions: The United Nations, academics, researchers, NGOs, governments, journalists, and simple people. 

Read more …Flagship Yale University Criticized for Hosting General Paul Kagame a.k.a The Butcher of Congo

Former Apprentice start Omarosa Manigault, Director of African-American Outreach for Donald Trump

"The African-American community has been taken for granted for decades by the Democratic Party... If you keep voting for the same people, you will keep getting exactly the same result."

It is in these terms that the Republican President candidate, Donald J. Trump, addressed an all-white audience in Michigan, on August 18, 2016.

Read more …Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump courting African-Americans

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