Last night, military planes carrying more than three hundred and two Rwandan soldiers and M23 former rebels landed here, at the Ndolo airport. I then saw a column of military truck carrying them towards the military camp of Kakolo,” sources at the Ndolo Airport in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, told AfroAmerica Network.

We do not know the origin of the troops, except that a couple of hours before, we had received orders from the Office of the

Read more …Rwandan Special Forces Sent to Kinshasa

Rwandan Youth In Repression Camps in Rwanda

“The strategy will include three areas: media, diplomatic, and political. Those in North America are particularly targeted, since that is where physical elimination approaches present more risk to the Rwandan government, “ sources within the Rwandan Defense Forces who participated in the Rwandan national security meeting led by General Paul Kagame late last week, told AfroAmerica Network.

A Wide Strategic Campaign Against Effective Opposition Leaders.

General Paul Kagame convened the meeting of Rwandan nation security advisers after a long tour across the United States of America.

Read more …Rwandan External Intelligence to Target Opposition Leaders in North America