
Africa - America - Asia - Europe 2024 Elections: Leftist Alliance Wins Elections in France; Figurehead Jean-Luc Melenchon Ready to Govern, after Committing to Addressing Rwanda's Abuses In DR Congo

Emmanuel Macron and Paul Kagame in Paris in December 2021

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From the beginning of the year 2024  to the days leading to July 2024, across the  World, general elections have been held.  In most countries, people have been expecting changes, while in some, the situation has not improved and tough days may be coming. AfroAmerica Network has focused on a few elections held or planned in 2024. Highly competitive parliamentary elections were scheduled in France  in July 6, 2024.   Based on the results  as of July 7,  2024, the Leftist Coalition,  New Popular Front (Nouveau Front Populaire - NFP),  is  predicted to win  the elections and become the largest group in the parliament. With the landslide victory  Jean-Luc Melenchon,  the prominent leader  of one leftist party, La France Insoumise (LFI), declared the readiness to govern. The win comes a few months after Jean-Luc Melenchon, during a visit in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) affirmed his fraternity with the DRC government in fighting against the abuses and the invasion  by the Rwandan government led by dictator Paul Kagame.

France Parliament Elections:  Landslide Victory of the  Leftist Alliance, The New Popular Front.   

French President Emmanuel Macron  called for the gambling elections after the far right wing, led by Marie LePen, widely defeated his centrist allies in the June 6-9, 2024 European elections. 

In the preparation of the elections, the leftist parties formed a coalition, New Popular Front (Nouveau Front Populaire - NFP)  also know as Ecological and Social Popular Front  (Front populaire écologique et social - FPES)   in June 2024. The NFP  included the parties La France Insoumise (LFI), the Socialist Party, The Ecologists - Greens, the French Communist Party, Génération, Place Publique,  and several other left-leaning parties and groups. 

The win by New Popular Front is viewed as a major  blow to both President Emmanuel Macro's centrist  and Marie Le Pen's far right.

After the elections, the next step is to select the NFP  alliance's candidate to the post of prime minister. So far, Jean Luc Melenchon appears to be leading.

In his first speech after the  projections of the win by NFP,  Jean-Luc Melenchon said on Sunday, July 07, 2024 that the NFP is "ready to govern."


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France - Rwanda - Africa: Will the NFP win, with Jean-Luc Melenchon, Change the French Politics Towards Africa.

Following the elections, Jean-Luc Melenchon, the leader of the hard-left  said "The will of the people must be strictly respected ... the president must invite the New Popular Front to govern (NFP)". 

Although the French constitution does not oblige Emmanuel Macron to abide by appointing a Prime Minister from NFP, as the leading  group in the  parliament, most expect that he may not have a choice.

 Jean-Luc Melenchon, the  leader of the hard-left France Unbowed (LFI), has ruled out a broad coalition of parties from different political wings. He insisted that President Emmanuel Macron has the responsibility to let the NFP form the new government.

With the NFP win and  Jean-Luc Melenchon as one of the top leaders, there are expectations that the French politics towards Africa will significantly change. One of the immediate target will be the invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Rwandan military , under the cover of M23 rebels.

In October 2023, Jean-Luc Mélenchon went on a six-day tour of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Tuesday,   a second to the African continent in less than a month. His visit was focused on expressing his support to the Congolese authorities against the Rwandan government dictator Paul Kagame's "expansionist aims."  “I wanted to reaffirm my fraternity with the Congolese people at a time when they are facing a challenge that is totally imported,” he told the media following a meeting with DRC President Félix Tshisekedi, adding that he hopes that “Rwanda abandons the expansionist aims that we have heard Kagame declare”.

Now that the alliance behind President Emmanuel Macron, usually an ally of Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame,  has suffered a major loss, the chances of the new government openly supporting  DRC government and focusing on forcing Paul Kagame to withdraw his troops from DR Congo appear very high. Paul Kagame is also getting ready for controversial elections, with foregone results proclaiming him as the winner,   scheduled on July 15, 2024. 

So far, Emmanuel Macron's government  has been a key supporter of the dictator Paul Kagame with shared interests in Africa ( see France-Rwanda-Mozambique: Paul Kagame Deploys Troops to Mozambique Following Visit by French President Emmanuel Macron).

The question now is: Will the new government signal the impeding doom of  the relations between the French government and the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame? 

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