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Summer is over. The transition period between Summer and Fall is usually an exciting time for investors, as they are back from their hard earned vacation and had had time to reflect on their investment strategy.  A few things are usually awaiting the investors in September. However, 2019, it is different: Spring and Summer have seen wild swings and roll-coaster trends andinvestors did not have opportunity to relax over Summer.

First, the seasaw trends:

  •  After a sustained upward trend over 2018 that lasted until the end of Summer,  there was scary dip in 2018 Q4.  The  Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) dropped from 26,648 on Sep 1, 2018 to 23,327 on Dec 1, 2018, or 13%. ^DJI   almost recovered  and 
Read more …Back to Investing after the 2019 Spring and Summer of roll-coaster trends

AroniSmartInvest In Action: Beyond Meat

On April 22, 2019, in the article AroniSmartInvest In Action: IPO season with Soaring IPOs and those to watch, Beyond Meat, Inc. (BYND), the plant-based meat maker, was flagged as one of the potentially successful IPOs planned this year. It was among unicorns,  valued at $1.2 billion.

On May 1, 2019, Beyond Meat become public. On Thursday, it started its IPO at $25 shares. By the end of the day, the share price had increased by $40.75 and reached $65.75, or +163.00%. At some point it reached $71.85.

Read more …AroniSmartInvest In Action: Beyond Meat IPO Soars

AroniSmartInvest Sentiment Analysis has flagged Twitter on July 26, 2018

In October 2018, AroniSmartInvest in Action predicted that Twitter’s stock (NASDAQ: TWTR) will have a momentum in Q4 2018. A momentum that was expected to continue over Q1 2019.  The latest earnings reports confirm the projections, as Twitter continues to address several areas of concerns.  

Read more …AroniSmartInvest in Action: Twitter (TWTR) Earns on a Momentum Built since Q4 2018

AroniSmartInvest In Action: IPO season: Sentiment Analysis

The IPO season is heating up. The latest major IPOs have included Lyft,  Zoom, and  Pinterest. The key major IPOs, sometimes known as unicorn, or privately owned companies valued at more than $1billion,   to follow include Slack, Uber,  and AirBnB. It is expected that these three IPOs, along with Lyft, Zoom, an Pinterest will determine whether the 2019 IPO season has been a success or a disappointment for both investors and owners, including employees.

Read more …AroniSmartInvest In Action: IPO season with Soaring IPOs and those to watch.

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