Feidin Santana who shot the video of cop killing Walter Scott

Officer Michael Slager has been charged with murder in the shooting death of  50-year-old Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina. Michael Slager shot the unarmed black man in back eight times as Scott was running away from him.

The shooting has sparked more national outrage in the United States, as it comes following high profile cases of police shooting and

Read more …Feidin Santana's Video Gets the South Carolina Cop Charged For Killing Unarmed Black Man

Nigerians Celebrate the Victory of General Buhari

On June 13, 2011, in a statement at the African Union in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton challenged African leaders to promote democracy, economic growth, and peace and security.

".. the United States seeks new and dynamic partnerships with African peoples, nations, and institutions. We want to help you accelerate the advances that are underway in many places and collaborate with you to reverse the dangerous trends and encourage political, economic, and social progress, " said the US Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State praised the countries of Botswana, Ghana, and Tanzania for being the role models of democracy in Sub-Sahara Africa and

Read more …Nigeria, Jonathan Goodluck, and Gen Buhari: Another African Democratic Success

Rasheen Aldridge, protesting in Ferguson in Michael Brown case

His name is Rasheen Aldridge.  Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, the 20 years old  Aldridge  is a natural leader.  After graduating from High School, he enrolled at Forest Park Community College, while working minimum wage jobs, the lot of many Black youth in underpriviledged areas, such as East Saint Louis or Ferguson, Missouri. But that did not stop him.

Read more …Rasheen Aldridge, AfroAmerica Network Black Man of Year 2014

US Attorney Loretta Lynch with US Attorney General Eric Holder

As the U.S. Attorney for New York’s eastern distric, Lorreta Elisabeth Lynch rules over an area that includes Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Nassau and Suffolk county on Long Island. The tough and feared, but self-effacing, attorney will be nominated, on Saturday November 8, 2014, by President Obama to the post of US Attorney General, replacing the out going Eric Holder.  If confirmed, she will be the first Black woman to occupy the post. Eric Holder was the first Black man to hold the post.

Born in Greensboro, North Carolina, from a teaching mom and a baptist minister father, the 55-year old Loretta Lynch  attended some of the best schools, at some

Read more …New York US Attorney Loretta Lynch, the Next US Attorney General?

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