2015 Nobel Prize Winners: Medicine and Physiology

Malaria affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the World, especially in Africa.  Roundworm parasites infect millions of people living in the poorest countries in the World.  The roundworm parasites cause river blindness and elephantiasis.

River blindness, an eye and skin disease that ultimately leads to blindness, has affected millions of the people in Africa. Elephantiasis,  also known as  lymphatic filariasis, causes painful swelling of the limbs.  Both of these diseases are on the verge of extinction.

Malaria is in control, thanks to the research by a Chinese woman, Professor Youyou Tu. Professor Youyou Tu graduated in the 1960s from

Read more …2015 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for research that helped people in underdeveloped...

Donald Trump, US Presidential Candidate

You may accuse him of other things. What is sure is that he speaks his mind, and his supporters and even the American maintream are liking it. The person is the US Presidential candidate  Donald Trump. When he srtarted, few believed that Donald Trump was serious. Then he had that speech about Mexican immigrants. Subsequently, the polls in his favor shot into the roof.  He has been dominating the Republican landfield to date. 

Initially, only Fox News  and, perhaps, a couple more media  networks  talked about him. Today, Donald Trump has entered the mass media, and

Read more …Donald Trump: A Phenomenal Phenomenon in US Presidential Race

BB King Singing "The Thrill is Gone"

The legendary guitarist and Blues singer Riley B. King,  known as B.B. King, has died  in Las Vegas on Thursday May 14, 2015 at age 89. Known for his soulful velvety voice and his unique style of blues, he is credited for making Blues one of the mainstream music genres around the World.

The King of the blues, as he was affectueusly known,  was born in Mississippi from where he got the inspiration of what he called "Delta blues roots". His music has influenced a lot of music stars and music genres, including rock, R&B,  pop, and of course blues. Rock, R&B, pop,  and blues

Read more …Legendary Guitarist and King of Blues B.B. King Dies in Las Vegas at 89

Marilyn Mosby - Baltimore Chief Prosecutor

They are smart, dedicated, articulate, women, and leaders. The fact that they are also Black may be a coincidence, but also a historical convergence, that augurs the things to come. These four Black women are bound by the death of Freddie Gray, a 25 Black man, while in the custody of the Baltimore police. The death was followed by protests by citizens seeking justice  and violent riots, burning, and looting of Baltimore shops and police cars by angry citizens, mostly young, over yet another young unarmed Black man killed by the Police in the United States.

 The four women are: 

Read more …Baltimore And the Four Women Poised To Change The Course of Policing In USA

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