Kizito Mihigo Arrest in April 2014

b2ap3_thumbnail_KizitoMihigo_police_handcuff.jpgThere is no such a thing as “good death”. Be it by genocide or war. Slaughtered in revenge killings. Perished in a accident or died from illness. The dead loved ones, wherever they are, are praying for us. There is no worst thing than death. Even though Genocide made me an orphan. But it cannot make me lose empathy for others. They also suffered from crimes, not qualified as genocide. Those brothers and sisters are, too, humans. I pray for them.  Those brothers and sisters are, too, humans. I remember them.These are some of the lyrics that have landed the Rwandan renowned gospel and soul musician Kizito Mihigo into jail in 2014. He was condemned to 10 years today on February 27, 2015. The sentence was reduced from 15 years, because he admitted the guilt and had asked for forgiveness.

Read more …Rwandan Music Star Kizito Mihigo Jailed 10 Years for Allegedly Plotting to Kill Rwandan President...

Bob Marley, Africa Unite

“When I live down in the ghetto, every day I have to jump fence, police try and hold me, ya dig? Not for a week – for years! Years, till we have to get free now. It’s either you a bad, bad man and they shoot you down, or you make a move and show people improvement. It doesn’t have to be material, but in freedom of thinking," Bob Marley, the Rastafarian, iconic musician and freedom fighter told New York Professor Vivien Golman in 1979. Vivien Goldman, a former Public Relations for Bob Marley,  teaches a course called "Marley and Post-Colonial Music".

Read more …Bob Marley's 70th Birthday: Remembering A Music Icon, A Freedom Fighter, and A Rastaman

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