Southside Chicago Obama kissing rock

In Chicago, on 53rd & South Dorchester,  just in front of a Subway sandwich franchise, there is a rock. An unordinary rock. It is a simple rock with a metallic plaque installed in it.  The place itself is, at first sight, unmemorable. At the most, it is not the first romantic place that would come to mind. But it is a  place where President Barack Obama, then a simple Ivy League graduate lawyer Barack Obama,  sealed his conquest of his future wife Ivy League graduate lawyer, Michelle Robinson. 

On the stone, the inscription on plaque reads an excerpt from Barack Obama's memoir:

Read more …Southside With You: A Humble Epic of Michelle and Barack Obama from Simplicity to Celebrity

Birth of Nation - Nat Turner's rebellion against white supremacy

Birth of A Nation: A Movie I invite Everyone to Watch; An Experience About the Price of Freedom

Are you ready for an experience that will forever change  your perspective on how the United States of America, as a nation, was really born? Are you ready to change your perspective on the role played by Black slaves in liberating America from the shackles of human hatred and cruelty against each other, not as submissive beings but as leaders? Then get ready for Birth of a Nation.

Read more …Birth of A Nation: A Movie I invite Everyone to Watch

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