Bernie Sanders and wife Jane with media in Rome

"I'm so excited and proud to be here with other people who are trying to create a moral economy,"  US Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said upon his arrival in Rome. He left New York  immediately after a heated debate with his rival Hillary Clinton. He is at the Vatican to attend a conference on social, economic and environmental issues at Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

The visit comes just four days before a crucial state primary contest in New York, where 291 delegates are at stake. Before leaving, on Thursday night, the

Read more …Rome Feeling the Bern, as Bernie Sanders Visits After A Heated Debate With Hillary Clinton

EU High Representative Mogherini at DEVE Conference

"However, the adoption of provisions that can apply only to one individual weakens the credibility of the constitutional reform process as it undermines the principle of democratic change of government enshrined in Article 23 of the African Charter of Democracy, Elections and Governance. The amendments to the Rwandan constitution recently approved by Parliament - if confirmed by referendum - would give rise to this situation, " the  European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini said in a press release published on December 3, 2015, on behalf of the EU on constitutional review in Rwanda

Read more …European Union Echoes US Position Urging President Kagame to Step Down in 2017

General Emmanuel Karenzi Karake

He is perhaps one of the most prominent Rwandan Patriotic Front elite group accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The man, Emmanuel Karenzi Karake is head of Rwandan National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). Aged 54, General Emmanuel Karenzi Karake, know as "KK", is an influential member of the circle of cronies around the Rwandan  dictator Paul Kagame, mostly born in the  exile in Uganda. He was one of the top military leaders of the RPF rebellion before it seized power in 1994.

The British Foreign Office confirmed in official statements  that Karake was arrested Saturday by the Metropolitan Police, without giving

Read more …Rwandan Spy Chief, Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake Still Wanted by Spain Justice

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