President Obama at the African Union, in Addis Abbeba

"I don't understand why people want to stay so long, especially when they have got a lot of money," said President Obama during a speech to the African Union Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. "Nobody should be president for life." President Obama was speaking in front of the 54-member county African Union during a 5 days trip that took him to Nairobi, Kenya and Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia. He spent the week-end in Kenya, the birth place of his late father, before travelling to Addis Ababa, the seat of the African Union. He is the first seating US President to visit both countries or address the African Union.

He was referring to several African dictators who have chosen to change the Constitutions of their countries, to allow themsleves to stay in power.  President Obama specifically  mentionned the leader of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, who recently managed to change 

Read more …Nobody Should be President for Life,President Obama Tells African Dictators

President Obama Greets Young People in Kenya

"A politics that's based solely on tribe and ethnicity is a politics that's doomed to tear a country apart," said President Obama during a speech in Kenya. "It s a failure, a failure of imagination." President Obama spent the week-end in Kenya on a visit aimed to deepen U.S. alliances with Kenya on trade, terrorism and wildlife protection.

Apologizing for not visiting his relatives as the traditional customs would require, he referred to the obligations of political officials

Read more …Politics Based on Tribe, Ethnicity and Exclusion Doomed,President Obama Tells Africans

General Emmanuel Karenzi Karake

He is perhaps one of the most prominent Rwandan Patriotic Front elite group accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The man, Emmanuel Karenzi Karake is head of Rwandan National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). Aged 54, General Emmanuel Karenzi Karake, know as "KK", is an influential member of the circle of cronies around the Rwandan  dictator Paul Kagame, mostly born in the  exile in Uganda. He was one of the top military leaders of the RPF rebellion before it seized power in 1994.

The British Foreign Office confirmed in official statements  that Karake was arrested Saturday by the Metropolitan Police, without giving

Read more …Rwandan Spy Chief, Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake, Arrested in London for War Crimes, Crimes Against...

Paul Kagame in Dar-es-Salaam on crisis in Burundi- He is also seeking to change the Rwandan Constitution

“the Arusha Agreement, which was carefully negotiated and accepted by most parties and sectors of Burundian society, brought an end to years of tragic civil war and established the foundation for Burundi’s post-conflict recovery...President Nkurunziza’s decision to disregard the term limit provision of the Arusha Agreement has destabilized Burundi and the sub-region, triggered violence, and endangered Burundi’s economic well-being.” It is in these unequivocal terms that the US  State Department expressed the open position of the US Government  to the attempts by Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza to change the constitution of his counrty, to allow himself to run for a forbidden third term.

Attempts to change the Constitution have led to massive bloody protests, a failed coup, and scores of killed. A low level insurgency is feared as  

Read more …US Government Against Lifting Constitutional Term Limits in Burundi and Rwanda

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