
DR Congo - Rwanda: US Government Finally Confirms that Rwandan Troops Have Invaded DR Congo, Under the Cover of M23 Rebels

Paul Kagame and Jeannette Kagame in Kigali, Rwanda on February 8, 2023

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 Rwandan troops, under the cover of M23 rebels, have been responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), for more than a decade.  Since the beginning, AfroAmerica Network has reported, based on the sources within the Rwandan Government, that M23 rebels were just a cover of the Rwandan troops.  After so many hesitations, the DRC President Felix Tshisekedi decided to acknowledge the fact and raised the tone against the Rwandan regime, calling it a demoniac system.  Now a major step has been made around the World: The US Government has finally openly acknowledged the open secret long disclosed by AfroAmerica Network, that it is the Rwandan government troops that have invaded the DRC under the cover of M23 rebels.

 Rwandan troops, under the cover of M23 rebels, have been responsible for the humanitarian crisis in eastern Congo, including systematic massacres of civilians, especially children and young boys and teenagers, destructions of homes, crops and infrastructures and lootings of minerals and other natural resources.  

AfroAmerica Network was among the first media to report on the fact that M23 Rebels were just a cover of the Rwandan Troops (see DRC-Uganda-Rwanda - Update: Rwandan Military Under Cover of Congolese M23 Rebels in Eastern DRC, Blame on FDLR and RUD-Urunana Rwandan Rebels, and Coup Attempts). The Rwandan government and military leaders have continued to deny it. Even DRC President Felix Tshisekedi initially appeared to hesitate to acknowledge the fact, despite multiple undeniable proofs. 

DRC President Felix Tshisekedi, after mostly veiled condemnations of the Rwandan government and troops, finally openly condemned the Rwandan government and  the dictator Paul Kagame in late November and early December 2022,  urging the Congolese people to have empathy for and support the oppressed Rwandan people,  but  to actively target the Rwandan oligarch Paul Kagame and his evil minority oligarchy oppressing the Rwandan people (see here DR Congo: President Felix Tshisekedi Urges Congolese to Have Empathy for Rwandans, and Rather Target Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame and His Diabolic Oligarchy).

The United Nations also hesitated to  acknowledge the invasion, only stating that the Rwandan government and military have been providing support to M23 rebels, instead of  confirming that M23 Rebels are just Rwandan Troops( see  DR Congo: The UN and the Catholic Church Call For a Firm Action and the People to Stand up Against Rwanda and M23 Rebels and  USA-DR Congo-Rwanda: UN Security Council Report Confirms Rwanda Military Support of M23 Rebels and USA Government Mulling Over Imposing Sanctions Against Rwandan Government Leaders as US Secretary on the Way to Visit the Region.)

 On November 30, 2022, the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, in his address to the nation during a swearing ceremony of newly appointed government ministers, claimed that although  "the whole world" has been blaming the Rwandan government and military for the wars and crises in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Congolese president Felix Tshisekedi was  seeking to leverage  M23 attacks to postpone,  to control, and ultimately benefit from  the presidential election scheduled for 20 December 2023.

Now the US Government has made a far-reaching decision: acknowledging the invasion of DRC by Rwandan troops under the cover of M23 rebels.  The decision, as indicated below,  will most likely have far reaching consequences, especially for Rwandan government  and military leaders


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 Rwanda must "cease the support for M23" and "withdraw its troops from the DRC", the US Government Said .

Referring to the  February 17 Communiqué of the 1140th meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) on the situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the  United States  government sent out a unequivocal warning message to the Rwandan government condemning the invasion of DRC by Rwandan troops under the cover of M23 rebels.

In a press statement  published on February 22, 2023, the US State Department said: "We urge the swift implementation of the outcomes of the February 17 EAC Mini-Summit, the Luanda and Nairobi processes, especially the Communiqué of the Mini-Summit of Luanda of November 23, 2022. The path to peace is clear: we expect the leadership shown during these sessions in Addis Ababa to translate commitments into action. We reiterate our call on Rwanda to cease support for the M23 armed group and to withdraw its troops from the DRC to facilitate implementation of these commitments in accordance with the timeline endorsed at the February 17 EAC mini-summit. We also reiterate our call on all parties to condemn hate speech and urgently work to prevent ethnic violence."  (see here)

The statement by the US Government has fueled speculations on the next steps and the actions by the World powers and institutions, especially the United States, the African Union (AU), SADEC,  European Union, and the United Nations against the Rwanda government and its military leaders, especially the dictator Paul Kagame and his closest aides.

 Meanwhile, sources with the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) and Department of Military Intelligence (DMI) have informed AfroAmerica Network that given the geopolitical situation in the region and the concerns regarding the condemnations by the international community,  tensions have been growing within the oligarchy ruling Rwanda.  According to the sources, an opposition may be increasing against the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, with some in the oligarchy getting ready to challenge Paul Kagame and his rule, even allegedly preparing a military coup.  

Consequently, Paul Kagame has prioritized the strategy and plan for his replacement. He has decided to lean on the first lady, Ms. Jeannette Kagame, to find good top candidates from RDF military officers who came from Burundi, instead of those who hailed from Uganda. 

At the same time, the  designated new heir who is expected to replace Paul Kagame, instead of his daughter, Mrs. Ange Kagame as planned before (see here: DR Congo - Rwanda - Uganda: Growing Opposition Against Felix Tshisekedi; Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni Readying their Sons for the Thrones; M23 Leaders Condescend to Burundi President Evariste Ndayishimiye ),  has been in trainings, but given his inexperience, a temporary replacement, high ranking military officer close to the first lady Ms. Jeannette Kagame has been identified.  According to the sources, Ms. Jeannette Kagame is now considered the de facto co-ruler of the Rwandan oligarchy.

 AfroAmerica Network is still confirming the information and closely following the situation.  Expect a report on the new dynamics soon.


@AfroAmerica Network 2023