In March 2017, stocks have continued to rise, not counting a few bumps in the road, with uncertainties abouth the Healthcare reform and the fate of Obamacare.
Aroni in Action
Glance At 2017 Investment Opportunities, with AroniSmartInvest In Action™
2016 ended as a good year for investors. 2017 started well, with the major stock market indices reaching their new peaks. The Dow Jones beats its own record, surpassing 20,000, the first time, ever. Following the U.S. elections, investors have gained confidence and the stock market experienced a rally during the post election weeks.
Performance of stocks picked by AroniSmartInvest in Action™ in 2016 - Part 2
Balancing challenges and opportunities observed in 2016, AroniSmartInvest™ In Action picked a few affordable international stocks and put them on the watch list.
Performance of stocks picked by AroniSmartInvest in Action™ in 2016 - Part 1
2016 Year started with the US stock market caught in the midst of challenging uncertainties, but also opportunities. Despite thick clouds hanging over investors' decisions, AroniSmartInvest™ In Action picked a few promising stocks, mostly international, to watch.