AroniSmartInvest™ in Action: Machine Learning, Bayesian Network, Stock Segmentation, Market Sentiment Analyses Uncovers Key Stocks on May 19, 2021
On May 19, 2021, the stock market sentiment has started to head towards negativity, after a long period of positivity. In the analysis conducted by AroniSmart™ team on April 30, 2021, investors appeared to have started finding direction and answers on one of the key questions the market actors were facing: what is coming next? Although the answer to the question remained elusive, there appeared to be a growing consensus on where the market was heading, following the up and down movements, around an overall upward trend, observed since the beginning of the year. While the overall upward trend was observed since the beginning of the year, by late-April the trend has shifted downward. As of the closing hour of May 19, 2021 the dynamics of the stock market were different.