Rev Martin Luther King, Jr. and Harry Belafonte in 1960s

Harry Belafonte, a legendary Black musician, actor and civil rights activist has passed away in New York City, NY on April 25, 2023. He was 96 years old.

Harry Belafonte's achievements have contributed to set a foundation for Black actors and musicians, since the 1950s. In 1954, he won a Tony Award for his performance in John Murray Anderson's "Almanac". In 1959, he became the first Black performer to win an Emmy for the TV special "Tonight with Harry Belafonte."  Harry Belafonte will likely be remembered as  a civil rights activist and a humanitarian. Working with  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he helped organize the 1963 March on Washington and supported protesters and activists financially, morrally and in other many ways. He also demonstrated against apartheid in South Africa.

Read more …USA: Harry Belafonte, Icon Black Musician, Actor, and Civil Rights Activist, Passes Away, at 96

Benjamin Crump in 2023 NAACP Awards Ceremony

The Black History Month in the United States is soon ending. The theme for the year is Black resistance. Once again, this month has helped Americans and the World to take time to remember and reflect on the discrimination Blacks have endured and the continuous struggle against the remnants of slavery, segregation, discrimination, and racial legacy. 

As the month is about to end, we are reflecting on the achievements of two people: Benjamin Lloyd Crump, the well known Black Civil Rights Lawyer who is changing the history and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a White German Pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident, who made history. Both pointed to the hypocrisy of leaders, either political or religious, of promoting racial and social injustice, by hiding or trying to erase history, factual races or ethnic groups, or documented historical events.

Read more …Black History Month 2023: Lessons from Benjamin Crump, Black Civil Rights Lawyer and Dietrich...

Selma March with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

The Black History Month in the United States is moving forward. February 2023 theme is Black resistance, as Americans are taking time for remembrance and reflection and the country is reminded of the discrimination Blacks have endured and the continuous struggle against the remnants of slavery, segregation, and racial legacy.

The Black History Month is also a time to focus on understanding the question and dynamics of race in American society today and to remember the people who made sacrifices in building the foundation and helping attain some achievements for Blacks in America. Below are the some key pioners and most influential historic Blacks and African Americans who made such sacrifices or led the historic actions for civil rights, racial equality, and justice for Blacks in America.

Read more …Black History Month 2023: Remembering Achievements by Blacks and Civil Rights Activists

FIFA World Cup 1970: Pelé holding the cup

World soccer legend and the best soccer player of all time, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, widely known around the world as Pelé, has passed away in São Paulo, Brazil. He was 82 years. Pele, a black man from Brazil, was born in the country side. He quickly rose to fame in his teens to became the most influential sport star. He was labelled "the greatest" by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).

Read more … World Soccer Legend Edson Arantes do Nascimento "Pelé" dies at 82 years old.

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