On July 07 and 10, 2020, sources within Rwandan intelligence services told AfroAmerica Network that on Friday, July 03, 2020 President Paul Kagame's security forces arrested Alfred Nkubili, a Rwandan businessman, at his house (see AfroAmerica Network & AroniSmart : Rwanda: Alfred Nkubili, Purported Transporter of Missiles Used in 1994 Assassination of Rwanda and Burundi Presidents, Kidnapped in Kigali). Alfred Nkubili's relatives have told AfroAmerica Network that Alfred Nkubili is in critical condition at King Faysal Hospital in Kigali where Rwandan security forces took him on Wednesday, July 8, 2020.
Alfred Nkubili is a prominent business man whose trucks allegedly transported to Masaka hills missiles that were used by Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) troops to shoot down the airplane carrying the Presidents of Burundi and Rwanda, Cyprien Ntaryamira and Juvenal habyarimana. AfroAmerica Network has obtained, from additional sources, new facts regarding Alfred Nkubili’s alleged role in the transportation of the missiles.