
DRC - Francophonie: DRC set to Loose Off Hosting the IXth Francophonie Games to Rwanda, due to Intended Chaos

RDC: Fortunat Bisele and General Paul Kagame in Kigali, 2020

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This year, the IX Francophonie Games were planned in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), between August 19-28, 2022. However, sources within the Francophonie have informed AfroAmerica Network that the games may not happen in Kinshasa in August 2022 and may rather be moved to Kigali, Rwanda. The sources cite widespread corruption within the leadership appointed by DRC President Felix Tshisekedi to prepare the games. They point to a close adviser to Felix Tshisekedi and an agent of the Rwandan Government as being behind the chaos.

Francophonie Under Former Rwandan Minister Louise Mushikiwabo.

The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (International Organisation of La Francophonie), also known as the Francophonie,  is an international organization formed by countries in which French language is a customary or an official language. Every four years, since 1989, the Francophonie organizes The Jeux de la Francophonie or Francophonie Games. The games include Sports, such as Athletics, Soccer, Basketball, Cycling and Cultural events, including music, art, and poetry. Around 4,000 athletes and artists participate.

The budget for the games is estimated to be around $1 billion dollars.

The Francophonie is currently led by a Rwandan former minister,  Louise Mushikiwabo. However, Rwandan Government, which had in the past been considered as Francophone, no longer considers French as an official language and has instead joined The CommonWealth.

Well Organized Chaos in Preparing the IXth Francophonie Games.

The government of Rwanda is accused of instigating the chaos, to make sure the lucrative games are moved to Kigali. The sources point to a certain Fortunat Bisele. Fortunat Bisele, also known as BIFORT, was one of the leaders of the former armed rebellion RCD-Goma, which was created, armed, and funded by the Rwandan government according to international organizations and independent observers. He is currently the private advisor to DRC president Felix Tshisekedi, while also serving as a trusted link between Rwandan President General Paul Kagame and DRC President Felix Tshisekedi. According to sources, he is the key person working with Rwandan leaders to make sure that, following the intended chaos created within the organizing committee, the IXth Francophonie Games would be moved to Rwanda. He is also being considered as Interior MInister in Felix Tshisekedi's long awaited government.

Will Francophonie Games Be Moved to Kigali, Rwanda? Francophonie Team Awaited in Kinshasa.

The decision to keep the games in Kinshasa, DRC or to move them to Kigali, Rwanda will be made in early April 2021 by a Francophonie team appointed by Louise Mushikiwabo. The Francophonie team will hold the deciding meeting in Kinshasa from April 12-14, 2021.

Meanwhile, the sources have indicated that the Rwandan Government has promised to give to the DRC committee leaders between 5-15% of the total budget. In exchange, the DRC Committee leaders must create significant chaos to give enough tangible reasons to publicly justify the decision by the team appointed by Louise Mushikiwabo, of moving the IXth Francophonie Games to Rwanda. If Rwandan government scheme is successful the question will then be: did DRC lose, let loose, or loose off hosting the IXth Francophonie Games?

AfroAmerica Network is following the story.

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