AroniSmartInvest Sentiment Analysis has flagged Twitter on July 26, 2018

On October 6, 2018, AroniSmartInvest in Action predicted that Twitter’s stock (NASDAQ: TWTR) will have a momentum in Q4 2018. AroniSmartInvest In Action made the projections after Twitter stock had increased by 86%, reaching $46.80 in July 2018, from $22.04 in Jan 2018. It was then down 36% over the past three months, back to $28.39.The projections were based on several factors likely to fuel the momentum

Read more …AroniSmartInvest in Action: Twitter (TWTR) On a Momentum

AroniSmartInvest Sentiment Analysis has flagged Twitter on July 26, 2018

General Electric (NASDAQ: GE) and Twitter’s stock (NASDAQ: TWTR) have moved up the first week of Q4 2018. Twitter and GE stocks were among the few in the green on Friday, at the end of the first week of Q4 2018, when most stocks and the stock market indices in general were all in the red. AroniSmart sees the two stocks on the path do well, given the tailwinds, more good news about them and  the market dynamics.  What is driving these stocks.

Read more …AroniSmartInvest in Action: General Electric (GE) and Twitter (TWTR): Stocks To Watch for Q4 2018

AroniSmartInvest has flagged Wal*Mart stock (WMT) since June 2018

On July 8, 2018, AroniSmartInvest™ In Action, based on the analysis with AroniSmartInvest, predicted that Wal*Mart (NASDAQ: WMT) stock continued to build on a momentum  from  June 2017. The finding was that Wal*Mart (NASDAQ: WMT) momentum was expected to accelerate for the rest of 2018. 

The finding was that Wal*Mart (NASDAQ: WMT) momentum was expected to accelerate for the rest of 2018. Today, Wal*Mart stock price reached $99.67, before anding at $97.85. Since June 2018, the stock has a growth of around 13%, from $88.00. This is on top of 18% from June 2017 to July 2018, when the first AroniSmartInvest in Action projections were made.

Read more …AroniSmartInvest in Action: Wal*Mart (WMT) Solidifies Momentum

AroniSmartInvest Sentiment Analysis has flagged Twitter on July 26, 2018

Twitter’s stock (NASDAQ: TWTR) has been on rise since early this year. It grew by 70%.  All were going well... until today. After Twitter announced that it has started to clean up fake users accounts, its stock price flattened. Then, on Thursday, July 26, 2018 Facebook's stock took a dive, shedding a record $123 billion on a poor earnings report, after announcing that the number of users was falling.  AroniSmartInvest in Action™ gives hints based on AroniSmart stock segmentation and sentiment analytics (see  screenshots)

Read more …AroniSmartInvest in Action: Is the Market Overreacting on Twitter and FaceBook?

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