As planned, Apple starts selling Apple Watch on April 10, 2015. The most anticipated wearable device is expected to start a revolution. At least that what Apple executives have promised. And the media and Apple enthusiats have already bought into the narrative.
Personal Tech
Apple Watch and iPhone 6 unveiled by Apple: Health, Pay, Power and Size
As planned, Apple today held a media event to unveil new products. There had been mounting rumors that Apple would announce three products:iPhone 6, a wearable device or watch, and iPad Air. Only iPad Air was missing during the event. The two other products were showcased. Perhaps the most anticipated was the wearable device, named Apple Watch, instead of the iWatch named that had been popped up in media for days.
Battery-less Light Switch: Philips Hue Tap.
Philips, the giant electronic lighting company, has reinvented light switches with the introduction of its Hue Wireless Lighting system, embedded i Hue Tap. The Hue Tap offers an independent control over the Hue Wireless Light Bulb.
The Hue Light Bulb, remotely controlled via an iOS App, offers wide-spectrum LED lighting and hence is energy efficient. Coupled with what Philips calls Friends of Hue Bloom Lamp and LightStrips, the Hue Tap can change colors.
The Hue Tap energy efficiency is due to its internal mechanism, that does not require batteries and is expected to operate for years.
With the reach of close to 30 meters. Hue Tap can control Hue Light Bulb several meters away and hence can be used in large rooms or in building halls, including through walls.
Though it comes at the price, now at around $60 a piece, energy efficiency conscious users may find it a good addition for its kinetic power.