Barbara Corcoran Talks to CNN's Erin Burnett

"Donald Trump will win ... No doubt in my mind, " Shark Tank star and multimillionaire real estate  magnate Barbara Corcoran told CNN Erin Burnett, on Saturday (see CNN video, here). Admitting that Trump may be not be the best president, Barbara Corcoran said, he nevertheless deserves credit.

Barbara Corcoran, 67,  has known Donald Trump, 69, in her mid-twenties, when both, young, were starting in the real estates businesses. 

Read more …No Doubt in My Mind Trump Will Win, Shark Tank Star Barbara Corcoran Tells CNN

Harriet Tubman Davis portrait on mockup

It will take 14 years, in 2030 to be exact,  to have Harriet Tubman's face on the new $20 bill. But  again, we have waited almost 100 years for this moment: seing the first woman on a US banknote since Martha Washington briefly graced the $1 bill in the 1890s, but most importantly the first Black woman, whose efforts, deemed almost beyond the humanly possible,  well documented in her lifetime, but like many African-Americans written out of history in the decades after the Civil War, given one of the most prominent honors in the US.

Most importantly, Harriet Tubman, a slave who became a prominent abolitionist, will replace  on the front of the bill a former president who owned slaves. Former President Andrew Jackson, a slave owner, will be moved to the back. 

It is said that in mid-October 1849, Harriet Tubman, a slave in the state of Maryland,  crossed the invisible line that borders the state of Pennsylvania. She

Read more …Harriet Tubman On the Front of 20 Dollars Bill: Honoring An Extraordinary Woman

Bernie Sanders wins may lead to dilemma

The "political revolution" launched by Bernie Sanders has taken the hold of the American political landscape. A series of recent decisive wins in several states has reaffirmed the movement and gained reliable supporters.  Sanders has shown he can win and win big, but still lags in needed delegates to become the Democratic Party Presidential nominee. Hence, his supporters are wondering about the next steps; seriously wondering to the point of rejecting the Democratic Party if he is not the next leader. 

This view from the supporters may threaten the unity of the Democratic Party if Hillary Clinton wins. The likelihood of Hillary Clinton winning is high given her lead among pledged party delegates. Bernie Sanders appears to be in the middle of a dilemma. On the one side, faced with the possibility of a Hillary

Read more …Dilemma After Bernie Sanders' Recent Wins: Bernie or Burst

Rwandan Ambassador Gasana Wagging a Finger While Deriding US Ambassador Samantha Power

On Monday March 21, 2016, the United Nations Security Council held a debate on Conflict and Peace in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The debate was supposed to propose solutions. Instead, it became a circus, when the turn of the Rwandan Ambassador Eugene Richard Gasana came.

Ambassador Gasana,  who is also a close confident to the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame started by raving about criticisms against the devastating warmongering policies of the Rwanda government and its recent involvement in instability and bloody violence in the neighboring country of Burundi. Burundian Ambassador Alain Aime Nyamitwe had intervened before and pointed to the role played by the Rwandan government by recruiting,

Read more …Why US Ambassador Power Ignored The Raving Rwandan Ambassador Gasana?

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