Miliki village in DRC, a reminder of human tragedies in Rwanda and DRC

During the commemoration of the 30 Years anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, the US Government leaders have expressed their empathy towards and solidarity with the Rwandan people, regardless of their ethnic group.  Reacting to US Government leaders' statements, Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame publicly expressed his concern that the US Government has included victims  of the 1994 tragedy from all ethnic groups.  His comments have shocked the world, especially given the indisputable facts on the  genocide committed in Rwanda in 1994.    Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron has maintained his position that France has responsibility but was not an accomplice in the Rwandan massacres. Moreover, former RPF top leaders have reinforced their testimony that the RPF army was responsible of the assassination of late Rwandan President General Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian President  Cyprien Ntaryamira, an event which became the catalyst of the Rwandan genocide..

Read more …Rwanda-USA-France: USA, French, and Former RPF Leaders Reaffirm that the Rwandan Genocide Targeted...

US-Africa Summit Washington December 14, 2022

In December 2023, African presidents and dictators attended the US - Africa Summit convened by US President Joe Biden in Washington, DC.  Aside the event,  Rwanda's Paul Kagame warned  the US  leaders against  bullying him for the repression,  the lack of democracy, and abuses of human rights in his regime, raising other African leaders' eyebrows.  He has done it again. In recent interviews with media journalists in Kigali, Rwanda, Paul Kagame mocked the US Government. He  told the media that the criticism of the US  against  his repressive regime  “feels and sounds just like a joke.”

Read more …USA - Africa - Democracy: Rwanda's Paul Kagame Mocking and Challenging the US, Following Sanctions...

Pope Francis' and General Paul Kagame's cartoon in Ugandan New Vision, Dec 20, 2016

On August 23, 2023 Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame threatened the Rwandan Catholic Church members,  vowed to arrest them and lock them in jail for visiting a well known  pilgrimage site in Rwanda.  He made the threats to the Catholic Church followers while addressing a youth conference, organized by the ruling Rwandan oligarchy.

Read more …Vatican - Rwanda: Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame's Threats Against The Rwandan Catholic Church...