Rwanda: Intriguing Fiends

Rwanda: Intriguing Fiends
Dear friend agacurama_mu_kibunda,
Although from the French root "intrigue" and Italian's "intricare", intriguing actually means " interesting, fascinating, absorbing, compelling, gripping, riveting, captivating, engaging, enthralling,
enchanting, attractive, appealing." We, Americans, blame the French and the Italians for the confusion.
At the UN Security Council in 1994, it is rumored that the French said in their French accent "Kagame is euh... un intrigant... guing". So The British and the Americans, always believing that French knew Rwandans better than them, agreed by saying: "Yes, Yes we agree. Kagame is really
intriguing. He deserves all the support he needs." The fate of the Rwandan Hutu and Tutsi was sealed. Because of the confusion about the word, Kagame was given the green light to massacre 3 millions Rwandese and 5 millions Congolese, and to be decorated by Rick Warren and Tony
Blair for that intriguing religious and political act.
As for me, I do not see anything intriguing about Kagame and his brothers. I heard one of his brothers, shot by angry bats in a broad daylight on the streets of Uganda 15 years or so ago, was equally a hideous monster. It is a good pedigree of genetically modified repulsive
fiends (not friends, please but fiends).
Kagame, being the champion of underhanded plans, is rather an intriguer, a schemer, which in French, if I am not mistaken, means "intrigant."
The enlightened Rick Warren cannot make a saint out of a monster; Tony Blair cannot make a democrat out of a bloodthirsty tyrant. By contrast, bats (chauve-souris) are usually intriguing creatures: they captive our imagination and can easily spot a monster and a bloodthirsty
tyrant in the heat of the night.
David O’Brian
©AfroAmerica Network, 2009
agaculama_mu_ikibunda wrote:
> >
> > Dear friends of our beloved Rwanda,
> >
> > We have regularly and recently read a quoting edited in an article of
> > the American writer Stephen Kinzer: "/In his memoir, "God Sleeps in
> > Rwanda," Joseph Sebarenzi presents a thoughtful critique of Kagame's
> > regime. His tale is a provocative warning to the many outsiders who
> > are ready to canonize Kagame/". In fact it is also a provocative
> > warning to himself, who already canonized Kagame.
> >
> > Let me remind you that the same American writer Stephen Kinzer
> > recently wrote the book: /"A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the
> > Man Who Dreamed It." /This Kagame canonizing book has been written in
> > the typical "Blancs Menteurs" or parrot's tradition which precisely
> > canonizes Kagame, refusing to have any honest consideration for the
> > Rwandese and Congolese victims of Kagame and its RPF dictatorial
> > regime. A parrot is a genus of tropical birds with hooked beak and
> > fleshy tongue who repeats words without understanding them (Penguin
> > English Dictionary, op cit., p.513).
> >
> > Let us further read and comment some remarks of Stephen Kinzer:
> >
> > 1/ "/By all accounts, the credit goes to President Paul Kagame, whose
> > rebel army, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, deposed the genocidal regime
> > in 1994 and who has been the country's strongman ever since/"
> >
> > _Comment_. This is not the truth, because there are more and more
> > accounts discrediting Kagame for: having perpetrated a terroristic
> > coup d'Etat on April the 6^th , 1994, for having killed two regularly
> > elected African presidents (Rwanda and Burundi), having deliberately
> > sacrified the intra muros Tutsi, having murdered hundreds of thousands
> > of Hutu in both the Northern and Eastern parts of Rwanda at least
> > during the period 1990-1994, having killed hundreds of thousands of
> > Hutu refugees in the forests of Zaïre/RDC since November 1996, being
> > responsible of both direct and indirect death of millions of innocent
> > Congolese citizens in both Kivu in order to transform these regions in
> > a no man's land to further be colonized by RPF…
> >
> > 2/ "/Kagame is one of the world's most intriguing leaders./"
> >
> > _Comment_. Kagame, an intriguing leader? What does the verb "intrigue"
> > mean? In the classical Penguin English Dictionary (G.N. Garmonsway,
> > 2^nd edition, 1969, p.395) we read: "plot secretly, make sly schemes,
> > have a secret love affair, rouse the curiosity of, fascinate, puzzle,
> > mystify". Of course Kagame plotted secretly, on the sly, and his
> > secret sly schemes have been secretly dissimulated and covered by his
> > New World Order's bosses. Of course, Kagame rouses the morbid and
> > fascinating curiosity of many uninformed persons because a broad
> > network of Kagame lovers systematically conceals, disguises and
> > camouflages the Rwandan truth. Is it the manner Kagame has a secret
> > love affair?
> >
> > 3/ "/Fearing for his life, Sebarenzi fled the country for a second
> > time/."
> >
> > _Comment_. Of course, Sebarenzi, who formerly fled to Zaïre/D.R.C.,
> > has been warned by close friends and insiders of RPF regime that
> > Kagame would literally bump him off!
> >
> > 4/ "/Kagame is likely to have only token opposition and may win with
> > something like the 95 percent margin he claimed in 2003." /
> >
> > Comment. Everybody will agree not to disagree with me if I ask next
> > question: "Would it be so difficult not to win for Rwanda's dictator?"
> > Let me give some examples. All the political parties wear the hat of
> > RPF. All the real political opponents of Kagame live outside of Rwanda
> > by fear to be killed or to be charged on heretical Gacaca trials, the
> > goal of which is to make an under-society of pauperized Hutu slaves,
> > accused of being "genocide mentality genetically affected"
> > revisionists, negationnists, divisionnists and justificationnists,
> > this underworld surviving under the orders of a minority of newly rich
> > Tutsi extremists. All the socialist villages are supervised by the
> > Local Defense Forces (L.D.F.). Both Kigali region and the Eastern part
> > of Rwanda became de facto a Tutsiland, but where are the former Hutu
> > inhabitants between both the Muvumba, Akagera and Akanyaru rivers? Of
> > course, the "democratic" Kagame obtained and will obtain circa 95%,
> > like former Zaïrian President Mobutu Sese Seko N'kuku Ngbendu wa za
> > Banga, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Douglashvilli Staline or the mythical
> > King Ubu.
> >
> > 5/ "/Sebarenzi writes. "He also may well be afraid of the outcome of a
> > classical democracy in a majority-minority divided society, which
> > might well translate into a demographic election in which Hutu would
> > overwhelmingly win/.""
> >
> > _Comment_. Of course since the preparation of the broad scale
> > offensive in their strongholds in Uganda, RANU/RPF/RPA leaders made a
> > socio-cultural analysis of the political issues in Rwanda, in term of
> > ethnical solidarity, ethos or predominant characteristics of the
> > cultural communities of Rwanda, and demographic statistics. The
> > majority of Rwandan people meaning the Hutu (circa 85%) ubwoko (tribe,
> > ethnos), and the democracy meaning a "one man, one vote" scheme, it
> > was impossible for RPF to get a regularly majority vote and to access
> > to the power without taking this power by brutal, terroristic, and
> > military means. Of course, one of the practical tactics necessarily to
> > achieve this strategy of power control, consisted in reducing the
> > intra muros population, both Hutu and so called "class five" Tutsi, in
> > order to, first of all, make place in the country, and secondarily in
> > the neighbouring Zaïre/D.R.C., for a further re-colonization by RPF
> > supporters. I would define Kagame's strategy as the "*Kagame Cuckoo
> > Strategy*", because there is no difference between the "RPF strategy"
> > and the "*Cuckoo strategy*", the migratory cuckoo in the nest of a
> > bird being a harmful intruder, like Tutsi diaspora's Kagame's RPF in
> > Rwanda. The democratic power in Kagame's mind means a RPF dictatorship
> > reigning on a blameworthy accused majority of Hutu slaves.
> >
> > 6/ "/Whether he can do so may determine the long-term success of
> > Rwanda's audacious experiment/."
> >
> > _Comment_. This is a terrific sentence. What does an "audacious
> > experiment" for Rwanda mean? First of all, the word "audacious" means:
> > "daring, intrepid, presumptuous, impudent" (Penguin English
> > Dictionary, op cit., p.42). Secondly, the word "experiment" means:
> > "test or observation for scientific purposes, under conditions
> > controlled by the experimenter", "test, attempt to verify theory or
> > discover new facts" and "investigation by trial and error" (Penguin
> > English Dictionary, op cit., p.265). So we could logically define
> > Kagame as an audacious, intrepid, daring, presumptuous and impudent
> > experimenter who controlled the conditions of his experiment,
> > alternatively by trial and error. Furthermore, everybody knowing that
> > all the experiments are closely planed, we are allowed to raise the
> > question for an enquiry about the criminals responsible for the
> > planning of both the civilian war and the broad scale genocide in both
> > Rwanda and Zaïre/D.R.C. In Arusha, Tanzania, I.T.P.R. judges recently
> > and iteratively issued that "there is no proof that the genocide has
> > been planned by the Rwandan governmental side". Logically, the
> > genocide has thus been planned by the other warring side, that means
> > RPF and his boss, Paul Kagame.
> >
> > In conclusion, I would say that Stephen Kinzer, as a writer and/or
> > journalist, is a good example of a weather vane or a weather cock,
> > changing his mind depending on which way the wind is blowing, and
> > almost passing the hat round when there is a hope of good return. He
> > wrote his last above mentioned book praising the beloved dictator
> > Kagame to the skies, and as by magic, he now smells that things could
> > flare up if everybody understands the real roots of the "*Kagame
> > Cuckoo Strategy*" in the ancestral Rwanda where milk and honey flowed
> > like the four rivers encircling Havilah in the Eden Garden. But Kagame
> > is not eternal like the "Eternal Flame" on John Fitzgerald Kennedy's
> > tomb, in the National Arlington Cemetery, West of the Potomac river,
> > in Washington. Kagame came from his Mulindi headquarters, crossing the
> > Mulindi river, for capturing Kigali and Rwanda. Mulindi, like Potomac,
> > prefigure the Acheron or the Styx rivers, leading to Hadès or
> > Infernus. I would'nt like to be in his shoes, in his size 53 shoes,
> > when, once upon the time, somewhere in the world, a judge will grab
> > him by the scuff of his neck for war crimes, crimes against humanity,
> > criminal conspiracy, economical crimes and genocide, not a particular
> > genocide against one African tribe, but a genocide against humanity!
> > Of course, father of both Ugandan and Rwandan departments of military
> > intelligence, President Paul Kagame is an intelligent man, capable of
> > reasoning, but that not means that he's a cleaver person. He knows
> > that his apocalyptic cavalcade in Central African Great Lakes
> > countries leads him to a "no through road". He took along with him to
> > many innocent people and that has to be stopped now. The sole hope for
> > the humanity, is that Kagame definitively understands that his soul is
> > in danger of eternal death, that he recognizes his crimes, and that he
> > asks forgiveness to the martyrized Rwandan people, so that the
> > "*Kagame Cuckoo Strategy*" will end with the cukoo's takeoff.
> >
> > Agaculama mu Ikibunda, A.M.I.
> >
Intriguing Fiends
Saturday, November 21, 2009