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On January 6, 2013 AfroAmerica Network first disclosed the political wranglings at the United Nations about the nomination of a UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes of Africa (see our article: UN Special Envoy in the Great Lakes: Will 2013 Bring Peace in Eastern DRC? .

The idea came to fruition on February 24, 2012 in Addis-Abeba, [click to continue…]


Sources within Congolese M23 Rebels tell AfroAmerica Network that infighting between General Sultani Makenga’s and General Bosco Ntaganda’s factions have left tens of dead, mostly M23 rebel troops. Several injured rebels are being treated in hospital in Rutshuru.

The infighting follows a failed assassination attempt on [click to continue…]


M23 General Sultani Makenga Escapes Assassination Attempt

Sources in Eastern DRC inform AfroAmerica Network that the General Sultani Makenga, the Commander of congolese rebels known as M23, has barely escaped an assassination attempt on Friday February 22, 2013. According to the sources, the assassination attempt was the work of the de facto commander of the M23 rebels, General Bosco Ntaganda. General Bosco Ntaganda, who is wanted by the International Criminal court (ICC) commands M23 rebels in the shadow and represents the interests of the Rwandan Military and political leaders. General Makenga is viewed as a straw man, and the Congolese face of M23 rebels.

The dissensions within M23 rebels are not new and are inherent to the origins of M23 itself. The current reasons are the results of simmering tensions between the men within M23 loyal to ex-CNDP commander General Laurent Nkunda, supposed to be under a house arrest in Rwanda and those loyal to General Bosco Ntaganda. The M23 Military commander General Makenga is General Laurent Nkunda’s man, whereas most other commanders [click to continue…]

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Sources at the United Nations in New York inform AfroAmerica Network that the Rwandan government has mounted a forceful lobby campaign targeting UN Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The relations between Rwandan Government and UN Experts on the DRC have soured since last year after the experts published a report documenting the recruitment, support, arming, and reinforcing Congolese rebels know as M23 by Rwandan military and political leaders. M23 rebels have been accused of mass murders, war crimes,  systematic rapes, and recruitment of child soldiers. Their leader, General Bosco Ntaganda, is wanted by the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

According to the sources, in its lobbying campaign, [click to continue…]

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Rwandan Social Party PS-Imberakuri Launches Armed Opposition?

Sources in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Western Rwanda inform AfroAmerica Network that the members of the only Rwandan approved opposition party operating inside Rwanda, Social Party PS-Imberakuri, has launched an armed opposition to the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) regime. In Rwanda there are other so-called “opposition parties”, that most observers of the Rwandan politics regard as offshoots of the ruling RPF, created to give the illusion of democracy to Western donors.

The armed organization launched by PS-Imberakuri is known as [click to continue…]


Ex-Rwandan Ambassador and Minister Setting Up Armed Opposition?

Sources within the Rwandan Military Intelligence (DMI) services inform AfroAmerica Network that a former ambassador and minister within the Rwandan Patriotic Front government is forming an armed opposition. The armed opposition is to be based in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and potentially in Northern Burundi.

According to the sources, the former ambassador and minister [click to continue…]


NGOs Leaving Rwanda Due to Cuts in International Aid?

Sources within the Rwandan Government in Kigali, Rwanda tell AfroAmerica Network that several Non Government Organizations (NGOs) have started to shut down their offices and leaving Rwanda. The flight of the NGOs is consecutive to the drastic cuts in international aid by several Western Governments, including Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, the United States, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The measures were taken after the United Nations Security Council accused Rwandan Military and Government leaders of forming, arming, and supporting Congolese rebels, known as M23. M23 rebels have been accused of multiple war crimes and crimes against humanity. Their leader, General Bosco Ntaganda is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague.

According to the sources, some of the NGOs are leaving Rwanda, while others [click to continue…]


No FDLR Combatants Have Returned to Rwanda, FDLR Sources Say

Sources close to FDLR say that no FDLR combatants have returned to Rwanda, contrary to statements by Rwandan officials.
According to officials from the Ministry of Disaster and Refugee Affairs, especially Frederic Ntawukuriryayo, the communications officer and
the Chairperson of the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), John Sayinzoga, members of the Rwandan rebels of the FDLR have started to repatriate massively since Friday January 5, 2013.
According to the Rwandan officials, on Sunday, January 6, 2013 127 former Rwandan rebels crossed the border of Rusizi into Cyangugu. The officials added that an additional 120 crossed into Rwanda on Monday January 7, 2013.

It is all lies,” affirmed the sources. “Those repatriating to Rwanda [click to continue…]


Year 2013 has just started. After a lull in political activities in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) over the Holidays, the momentum is picking up in Eastern DRC, in the Great Lakes Region, at African Union, and at the United Nations. There is a buzz in all the fronts: political, diplomacy, military.

On the political front

M23 and the DRC Government resumed their political talks on January 4, 2012 in Kampala, Uganda. The talks started timidly but according to the observers, [click to continue…]

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World Dictators Who Mattered In 2012

Time Magazine, one of the most prestigious American magazines has designated the persons who mattered during 2012. The list includes powerful people across the political, social, and economical landscape. From heads of state, to entertainers, via policy makers, academics, entrepreneurs, activists and more.
Some names on the list are those that are widely described in the media around [click to continue…]