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Rwandan Minister says US Government out-of touch

Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo, the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs has lashed out at the US Department of State, accusing  US Government officials of being out of touch with Rwandan political and social issues. In a communication with the media, Mushikiwabo said that the United States Government  has an “out-of-Rwanda reading”  and needs to appreciate the on going political crackdown and violence  within a “contextualized,” environment.

This rare open criticism of the US government by Rwandan officials comes after a harsh assessment of the Rwandan poor human rights record by the US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs in front of the US House of Representative committee.

“Rwandans in Rwanda don’t have any anxiety. They are at a very exciting time of their history,” Mushikiwabo stated on May 28, 2010.

However, according to independent observers of the Rwandan politics and the US State Department, Rwandans, instead of being excited, are anxious because of the repression by the current Tutsi minority government  ruling  Rwanda and the violence ahead of the presidential elections planned for August 2010.

The incumbent President Kagame, likely to remain in power, has been quashing the media, human rights organizations, and any political opposition. He has also kept the ethnic Hutu majority and Tutsis of lower classes under the yoke of an effective servitude to the profit of a tiny clique at the top of the power.

Ms Mushikiwabo studied,  worked, and lived in the US for more than two decades and married an American before returning to Rwanda to become Minister of Communication, then Minister of Foreign Affairs.

©Copyright AfroAmerica Network, May 2010


The Genocide that Should Have Remained Secret

by Sabine Grund
(written in March 2008)
Reprinted with permission by Dr. Sabine Grund, see below

The 1994 genocide in Rwanda, a small country in Central Africa (neighbor to Uganda, Congo, Burundi, Tanzania), killed an estimated one million people in only three months, from April to July. Little is known about the background to that genocide, the preparation of what was in fact a political coup to overthrow the government. Nor is it public knowledge that the killing of millions in the Congo until 2008 is directly related to the political intrigues in Rwanda since 1990. One of the few people who try to spread truth, against much resistance, is the Canadian journalist Robin Philpot. His 2003 book was written in French (“Ca ne s’est pas passé comme ça à Kigali”) and published in Canada. Its English translation has still not found a publisher, it is available on the website www.taylor-report.com (“Rwanda 1994 – Colonialism dies hard”), together with other information…

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Kagame or the Degeneration of an African New Breed

16 Years and a month ago, on April 29, 1994, Prudence Bushnell, then US Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, called Colonel Theoneste Bagosora, a leading Rwandan military official, warning him of the displeasure of the United States with the ex-FAR on the on-going massacres of Tutsis. A few weeks earlier, just before the assassination of President Habyarimana now blamed on the current Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his ruling Tutsi elite, Ms. Bushnell had written a memorandum pointing to grave violations of human rights, widespread violence, and breakdown in the rule of law in Rwanda. She expressed the concern of seeing the takeover of the Rwandan Government by rogues elements. She recommended that the US Government intervene before it was too late.
Three months later, after massive and systematic massacres, the ethnic majority Hutu government was overthrown by the ethnic minority Tutsi in an orgy of violence the World had never seen since the Holocaust.

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UN Mission in the Congo to be revamped

MONUC to be replaced by MONUSCO
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The embattled UN mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) will be replaced by UN Mission for the Stabilization of Congo (MONUSCO), sources at the UN tell AfroAmerica Network.

The mission of the revamped UN will consist of supporting the Congolese government in areas of security, training of the military, justice, and protecting civilians.

MONUSCO will have 2,000 fewer troops that its predecessor. For the last few months,  tensions developed within the MONUC and between the DRC government and MONUC leaders. The DRC government allied


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ICTR Withholds Evidences of RPF crimes

Pictures: Kofi Annan and Louise Arbour

Why are the UN and the ICTR Sealing the Documentation on RPF crimes?

AfroAmerica Network, May 11, 2010.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) is withholding and has sealed documents showing that RPF soldiers, operatives, and agents committed  large scale massacres, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Rwanda in 1994. Most of these crimes were subsequently attributed to the EX-FAR and the Interahamwe militias.

The shocking information was leaked to AfroAmerica Network by sources within ICTR Chief Prosecution and the Rwandan prosecution office in Arusha, last week.

The extensive documentation is archived in eight  volumes, with the following reference numbers:

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©Copyright AfroAmerica Network, May 2010


Is Mushikiwabo Ignorant, a Liar, or disloyal?

New York – Louise Mushikiwabo, the self-styled,  hard talking Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs gave an interview to New York Times published on April 28, 2010 (see here) around unprecedented repression unleashed by the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) against the opposition.  The RPF is dominated by the ethnic Tutsi minority, that has been repressing the majority ethnic Hutu for decades.  The repression has increasingly raised an outcry within the international community.

Faced with an overwhelming condemnation, the RPF enacted sweeping laws denying the existence of ethnic groups and made it a crime of “genocidal ideology” the fact of mentioning ethnic groups in Rwanda. Meanwhile, in order to maintain and tighten its grip on power, the RPF had to perpetuate ethnic divisions and keep ethnic Hutus under oppression.  To extend the perennial financial windfall from genocide the RPF changed Article 14 of its constitution and created the concept of “Tutsi genocide”,  claiming that only ethnic Tutsis were targeted by ethnic Hutus. The Rwandan judicial system is setup so  that ethnic Hutus pay for these alleged crimes for generations to come and cannot claim any civil rights in Rwanda. Yet, many prominent ethnic Hutu politicians were killed during the 1994 Rwandan civil war, some because they collaborated with the Tutsi rebels.  The majority were Hutu targeted by RPF and systematically massacred.

AfroAmerica Network was puzzled by the contradiction..

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Rwanda Alien Tort Act Precedent

United States District Court, S.D. New York.
Louise MUSHIKIWABO, et al., Plaintiffs,


Jean Bosco BARAYAGWIZA, Defendant.
No. 94 CIV. 3627 (JSM).

April 9, 1996.


MARTIN, District Judge:

*1 Presently before the Court is a motion for a default judgment in which the plaintiffs have overwhelmingly established that the defendant has engaged in conduct so inhuman that it is difficult to conceive of any civil remedy which can begin to compensate the plaintiffs for their loss or adequately express society’s outrage at the defendant’s actions.

The evidence presented by the plaintiffs establishes that the defendant, Jean Bosco Barayagwiza, was one of the political leaders in Rwanda who played an instrumental role in the torture and massacre of thousands of Rwanda’s Tutsi minority, as well as moderate members of the Hutu…

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Kagame Was Served in Oklahoma

Following our comment arguing that the case African Widows (Mrs Habyarimana and Ntaryamira) v Kagame was justiciable in US Courts, we received plenty of messages, some praising our analysis, other cursing AfroAmerica Network, and yet others asking us whether Kagame was legally served. Those who asked this question wanted to know whether Paul Kagame was officially and legally notified by the Court of actions taken against him and his associates in the Court of Law of United States. We will try to answer their question.
Serving or “Process Serving” is one of the most important legal procedures in the US that ensure that everyone is given Due Process of Law. It requires that each party in a case should be notified if actions are taken against them in a court of law.
BBC, in their reporting on the event in their Sunday May 1, 2010 article, titled “Rwandan President Kagame snubs lawsuit during US visit -click here stated that “the lawyers who filed the lawsuit were…

Iwawa, the Rwandan Gulag

In Rwanda, it is hard enough to be a Hutu, a homeless person, and undocumented. But that is only the beginning of the misery in the country run by one of the most repressive regimes in Africa. Ethnic Hutu kids who find themselves in that situation or adult ethnic Hutus suspected of political dissent  are sure to end up on the isolate, rough, and almost inhabitable island in the middle of Lake Kivu. Lake Kivu spans the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).  The rugged island of Iwawa, the conditions in which live the Hutu prisoners, the majority of which are barely teenagers,  and the harsh treatment and indoctrination forced on the kids is a strike reminder of a similar system chronicled  decades ago: the Soviet Gulag.

From 1921 to 1953, the Soviet Union ran a vicious system called the Gulag or The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies. It was the government agency that administered one of several forced labor camps. The camps housed various convicts from petty criminals to political prisoners. The Gulag was used as one of the most effective instrument of repression in the Soviet Union.  The most infamous and harshest complexes were hidden in arctic or subarctic regions until Alexander Solzhenitsyn disclosed the secret of their location in his 1973 book, the Gulag Archipelego, or the Gulag Chain of Islands.

Fast forward more than 90 years. The Rwandan Patriotic Front regime, a repressive system set up by a junta of Tutsi extremists, is emulating the Russian model with perfection. Hutu kids and political  dissenters are kidnapped, led to the island in the cover of the night, and submitted to  forced labor and indoctrination in the most abject conditions. Relatives and parents never know what happened to their siblings, kids, or relative. They assume the worst, mourn in secret -let they will be next- and move on with their usual life of oppression. Meanwhile, the Rwandan political machine works the adults to death and recruits  the graduating kids into various proxy militias fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or  as the militiamen of the notorious Local Defense Units  and RPF militias called Indatwa, or to exploit coltan, gold, and timber in the Congolese jungles.
That is the life of political dissenters or poor Hutus in Rwanda.

The slave camps of Iwawa followed another controversial program initiated by the Rwandan Ministry of Health.  In late June 2009, the Rwanda government introduced the so called “Reproductive Health Bill” to the Rwandan Parliament. The main purpose of the bill was to legalize the forceful sterilization of people judged mentally handicapped, ill, or unstable. According to people in the Rwandan government who had disclosed the information to AfroAmerica Network, the bill was to target basically anyone deemed having behaviors not  falling  within the norms. Apart from the obvious violation of basic human rights, another major problem of the bill was to determine what these norms could be ( Our July 3, 2009 article the Bill may be found here ). Human Rights Watch, a US based human rights organization, denounced the bill in their July 1st, 2009 statement (Read it here).  After we published our article and faced with the roaring outcry around the World, the Rwandan government started rounding up those meeting the criteria, loaded them on the military trucks and boats, and led them to the Iwawa island,  the Rwandan Gulag.

©AfroAmerica Network, May 2010


Is Kagame’s case justiciable in the US

I would like to comment on you assertion that the case by the widows of the late Rwandan and Burundian is not receivable in the US. Actually the case is not only receivable but also falls in documented statutes and court precedents.
I agree with you though that Paul Kagame’s immunity may guarantee that he may not be arrested as long as he is president, unless the US State Department revokes his immunity. As president of a recognized government, he is immune for civil or criminal prosecution. The reason he cannot be arrested is that the US has signed “a treaty” regarding the protection of diplomats and reciprocity. The treaty known as “The Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations” of 1961 defines a…

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