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Is Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister Mushikiwabo on the Way Out?

Sources in Rwanda tell AfroAmerica Network  that Louise Mushikiwabo is on her way out.

The decision is pretty much done. She will be gone just after the elections,” the sources told AfroAmerica Network.

She has become a hot potato right now. After the BBC debacle, the blunder in Peter Erlinder  case, and now the row with South Africa, basically  within a short time as a minister, she has created enemies  out of all the three best friendly governments the RPF regime used to have ,” the source adds.

Please continue the article “the Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo on the Way Out”  in Rwandan and DCR Pages of Afroamerica Network (http://www.afroamerica.net)

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France seeks Kayumba Nyamwasa Extradition

Paris, France.

After Rwanda , France is the second country to seek the extradition from South Africa of the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba Nyamwasa.  According to Sources in Spain, Spain is also mulling over the various options before requesting the extradition.

Both France and Spain seek Kayumba Nyamwasa to face charges related to his alleged role in the 1994 assassination of the leaders of Rwanda and Burundi. Spain  is mostly  interested in the  1997-1998 massacres of Spanish missionaries in Rwanda and the massacres of 5 millions Congolese. France is also motivated by the cases of  French crew who died during the assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents.

Rwanda accuses General Kayumba Nyamwasa of terrorism.

The South African Minister of Justice, through the spokesperson Tlali Tlali, confirmed the French request.  It appears that France has more chance than Rwanda. In fact the Rwandan government was recently the subject of allegations of involvment in the assassinaton attempt against the exiled General.

The extradition of the general may cause serious problems to the Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame, as the general was privy to all the Rwandan Patriotic Front secrets since its creation and at some point led its intelligence services and became the Chief of Staff.

©AfroAmerica Network.


Great Britain Presses Rwanda Government on Human Rights

In a tense exchange today Tuesday July 6, 2010, the British House of the Commons has quizzed officials of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (British Ministry of Foreign Affairs) regarding the on-going repression and assassinations in Rwanda and the role the British Government has played or is expected to play. The FCO officials included the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr William Hague, The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mr Jeremy Browne, The Minister for Europe, Mr David Lidington, and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr Henry Bellingham.

Henry Belligham said during the hearing: “We have already made our views clear to the Rwandan Government, and we will continue with that dialogue, putting pressure on them. As I said a moment ago, it is essential that there should be not only a free election, but one with proper opposition and open and transparent media reporting it.

Following is the entire hearing about Rwanda’s human rights and ongoing repression against  and assassination of opposition figures and journalists (Photo: Mary Helen Creagh, Labor Party):

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Today,  Tuesday July 6, 2010, Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister, Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo, confirmed that South African Police arrested Captain Francis Gakwerere  and then released him and that South African Police investigation in the assassination attempt  on the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba Nyamwasa  is implicating the Rwandan Government and intelligence operatives.

Captain Francis Gakwerere was supposed to report back to the police but vanished, leaving behind his identification documents. The story of the arrest of Francis Gakwerere was first  disclosed by AfroAmerica Network  in June 21, 2010 article (click here: Rwandan RPA Officer Suspected in Assassination Attempt) and June 22, 2010 article (click here: General Kazura Allegedly Implicated in Assassination Attempt)  based on the sources in Rwanda and South Africa,  along with the implication of the Rwandan Military hierarchy and Rwandan Intelligence Operatives in the assassination plot. This was later confirmed by other news outlets and social media.

South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, through the Director  General of Foreign Affairs Ayanda Ntsaluba, implicated, on July 1, 2010, the “Intelligence Operatives” of the government of a “Foreign Country” in the failed assassination attempt against the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba Nyamwasa.

Sources close to both Rwandan Intelligence and South African Police had told AfroAmerica Network that the foreign country is “Rwanda.”

After so much denying, tough talking, and face saving statements, the Rwandan Government, through the tough talking Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo,  has filed a formal protest with the South African Government

For More Read in our AfroAmerica Network  (http://www.afroamerica.net) in African Great Lakes Pages

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Rwandan Dossier Against Kayumba and Karegeya: Part I

From our invaluable sources, AfroAmerica has obtained original copies of the dossier concocted by the Rwandan Government  and sent to the South African Government and INTERPOL requesting the arrest and extradition of  the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba  Nyamwasa and Colonel Patrick Karegeya. In the upcoming days, AfroAmerica Network will share with our readers the content of the voluminous  but extremely interesting dossier. The dossier involves the Rwandan Government and South Africa, but also other countries in the region.

In the copy pictured  in our African Great Lakes Pages (click here),  an extract of the original copy shows the Note Verbal sent by the Rwandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the South African High Commission in Kigali. In the subsequent documents composing the dossier,  the Rwandan Government detailed the accusations of terrorism against the two former RPF high ranking military officers and the results of an alleged investigation in the grenade attacks in Kigali.

However, one wonders how the Rwandan Government writes to the South African Government but ends the letter with “renew to the High Commission of the Republic of Uganda the assurances of its highest consideration”. Is it a typo or the fact that initially the letter was to be addressed to the Republic of Uganda, where General Kayumba Nyamwasa had fled? Or is it a confirmation that Rwanda intelligence services are also targeting Rwandan  political and military figures exiled in Uganda.

Further into the dossier,  Martin Ngonga, the Rwandan prosecutor,  writes the following letter to the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo.

For more see AfroAmerica Network  in African Great Lakes Pages (http://www.afroamerica.net)

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Rewarded for their Role in the Rwandan Tragedy

Today, July 4, 2010, the Rwandan Government has yet again rewarded foreigners who were instrumental in helping the Rwandan Patriotic Front successfully lead its violent armed rebellion. The laureates include some who lobbied on the behalf or the Tutsis rebels, those who provided material support: weapons, money, travel arrangements, facilities, etc. It includes UN officials, US Congressmen, NGOs leaders, European government members, and foreign operatives. The awards show once again how the tragedy in Rwanda was in most part initiated, planned, sponsored, funded, and executed by the very people who were supposed to help avert it.

Given the latest bad press and accusations of assassination  and repression of the opposition leveled against the Rwandan Government , one can’t help but wonder whether the medals  are a welcome gift from the Rwandan Government or a blackmailing and a poisoned chalice  from a desperate regime.

The medal awards by the Rwandan Government may be read by the recipients and their families as follow: “hey, you helped us rebel and fight against a legitimate government and sweep in power;  we have messed up, but you also are  partially responsible. We need your help now, once again or  you will drown with us.

for more Read on on AfroAmerica Network  - Rwanda and DRC Pages (http://www.afroamerica.net).

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Sources in Uganda have informed AfroAmerica Network that Mr. Dominique Makeli, a Rwandan journalist exiled in Kampala, Uganda, has recently barely escaped abduction and, eventually an assassination. A group of criminals broke into Makeli’s home, seized him, tied his arms and legs, threw him in a car waiting in front of his house, and drove away.

The Ugandan police in the area was alerted by witnesses. When the criminals realized they were discovered and about to be pursued by the police, they dumped Mr. Makeli alongside a road and speeded away.

According to the witnesses, the criminals spoke Kinyarwanda and are believed to be Rwandan intelligence operatives. The Ugandan Security Services have …

For More visit AfroAmerica Network in Great Lakes Pages by clicking here

©2010 Copyright AfroAmerica Network


UN Women Agency Born

After  4 years of wrangling, negotiations, and arm-twisting, the UN General Assembly voted today to establish an UN  agency for women. Still no agreement was made about the final name and on who will lead the UN Agency. The UN General Assembly only agreed that the branch, to be led by a Director with the rank of UN Under Secretary General, will have the full name of: United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, or UNGEEW.  A rather unappealing acronym.

Even the name “UN WOMEN”, which some have started to call “UNWOMEN”, may not fit a woman agency. So the UN delegates decided to leave the choice of the name for the future, but no later than September 2010, when the UN agency will have a leader and formally start its operations. Meanwhile, it will be labelled “Gender Entity”; the French delegation prefers the use of “ONU Femmes”, which in English is “UNO Women”, hardly an improvement.

Several countries have submitted candidates. But the United States prefers

For more visit us on AfroAmerica Network – Global Events pages

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South African Government Implicates a “Foreign Government” in Assassination Attempt.

by AfroAmerica Network.

Photo: Dr .Ayanda Ntsaluba.

South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, through the Director  General of Foreign Affairs Ayanda Ntsaluba, has implicated, on July 1, 2010, the “Intelligence Operatives” of the government of a “Foreign Country” in the failed assassination attempt against the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba Nyamwasa.

Sources close to both Rwandan Intelligence and South African Police have told AfroAmerica Network that the foreign country is “Rwanda.”

Already, on June 21, 2010 article (click here: Rwandan RPA Officer Suspected in Assassination Attempt) and June 22, 2010 article (click here: General Kazura Allegedly Implicated in Assassination Attempt) AfroAmerica Network was the first to disclose, based on the sources in Rwanda and South Africa, the implication of the Rwandan Military hierarchy and Rwandan Intelligence Operatives in the assassination plot. This was later confirmed by other news outlets and social media.

These sources had told AfroAmerica Network that the South African police had arrested a group of six suspects, mostly ex Rwandan Patriotic Army officers. Two of the suspects were subsequently released. The other suspects allegedly implicated General Jean Bosco Kazura as the ring leader of the conspiracy to assassinate the Rwandan General Kayumba Nyamwasa.

According to the same sources, it appeared that General Jean Bosco Kazura was sent on a mission by the Rwandan Government to travel to South Africa and organize the assassination while the South African police was busy  with the opening of the FIFA Soccer World Cup.

After the death squad was put in place,  General Jean Bosco Kazura quickly returned to Rwanda, leaving the squad under the command of Captain Francis Gakwerere, an officially retired Rwandan military officer, but an actual undercover Rwandan intelligence operative.  To divert the attention, the Rwandan Department of Military Intelligence arrested General Jean Bosco Kazura upon his return. The motive of the arrest was allegedly to be able to deny the involvement of the Rwandan government in case the assassination attempt was discovered by the South African security services.

Contrary to the usually secrecy within the RPF,  the arrest of General Kazura, under the pretext of an unauthorized trip outside the county by a high ranking military officer, was publicized allegedly to create a smokescreen.

Captain Francis Gakwerere was also initially arrested, and then released, pending further investigations, as he did not seem to be the actual shooter or to be immediately linked to the shooting. He was required to report to police later on. But when those detained started talking, the South African Police could not find Francis Gakwerere. He had vanished.

The suspects detained by the South African police apparently hold fake IDs from Tanzania, Mozambique, and Somalia.

In the past, the Rwanda Government has been accused  of giving Rwandan ID to Somalis, Eritreans, Ethiopians, and Chadians to fight in the counter-insurgency against Hutu rebels, the Rwandan neighbors, and the Chadian Government. Some of these Somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopians may have used Rwandan ID to emigrate in countries in Africa and elsewhere or to serve as Rwandan Intelligence operatives across the World. The Chadian rebels were trained in Rwanda, as Rwandans, and sent to overthrow the Chadian government. They advanced all way to the Chadian presidential palace in the Capital Ndjamena before being beaten back by the Chadian military forces, supported by French special forces and commandos.

In the recent past, the Rwandan Department of Military Intelligence also supported the notorious Lord Resistance Army (LRA) when it suspected that the Ugandan Government was secretly supporting the National Democratic Congress (NDC), a coalition of the Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and Rally for the Rwandan People (RPR-Inkeragutabara), composed of Rwandan ethnic Hutu and Tutsi rebels pressuring the Rwandan Government to implement democratic changes in Rwanda.  Subsequently, the UN Experts reported that these rebels were recruiting fighters in Uganda, accusation that both the rebels and the Ugandan government denied.

The Rwandan Military secretly shipped arms to LRA through the airport of Waw, Bahr Al Ghazal, close to the border separating Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Central African Republic, a triangle in which LRA rebels roam.

For more visit: AfroAmerica Network  African Great Lakes and Rwanda and DRC pages

©2010 Copyright AfroAmerica Network


Kagame and Kabila: on the river of blood

President Joseph Kabila, the ruler of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),  welcomed General Kagame of Rwanda in Kinshasa today for the celebration  of the 50th anniversary of Congolese independence.

AfroAmerica Network had decided not to cover the event, which is really a non-event for most congolese: there is nothing much to celebrate about.

To add insult to injury, one may wonder how the President of a country has the stomach to roll out a red carpet for someone, anyone, who has butchered more than 5 millions congolese in the last decade or so. The red carpet in the picture above reminds us of the blood of the innocent Congolese shed by the Rwandan dictator, General Paul Kagame.

Like the red carpet, the blood of innocent Congolese people seems to be only a path to the goals.  And like the red color of the carpet, the river of blood  cries out.

The  Rwandan dictator may not be allowed to trample on the blood of the Congolese forever: one must be, one day, held accountable.

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