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Museveni: Dictators Must Negotiate

In a statement received by AfroAmerica Network (see statement here ), President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has made public his position that dictators must negotiate is they care about their people and would like to bring peace in their country. According to President Museveni of Uganda, Colonel Muamar Gaddafi of Libya needs to hold a dialogue with his opposition.
Museveni said in the public statement also published in public media in Uganda:

  • A legitimate internal insurrection, if that is the strategy chosen by the leaders of that effort, can succeed. The Shah of Iran was defeated by an internal insurrection; the Russian Revolution in 1917 was an internal insurrection; the Revolution in Zanzibar in 1964 was an internal insurrection; the changes in Ukraine, Georgia, etc., all were internal insurrections. 
It should be for the leaders of the Resistance in that country to decide their to sponsor insurrection groups in sovereign countries. I am totally allergic to foreign, political and military involvement in sovereign countries, especially the African countries.
  • All this notwithstanding, Col. Gaddafi should be ready to sit down with the opposition, through the mediation of the AU, with the opposition cluster of groups which now includes individuals well known to us – Ambassador Abdalla, Dr. Zubeda, etc.
  • know Gaddafi has his system of elected committees that end up in a National People’s Conference. Actually Gaddafi thinks this is superior to our multi-party systems. Of course, I have never had time to know how truly competitive this system is. 

Anyway, even if it is competitive, there is now, apparently, a significant number of Libyans that think that there is a problem in Libya in terms of governance. Since there has not been internationally observed elections in Libya, not even by the AU, we cannot know what is correct and what is wrong. Therefore, a dialogue is the correct way forward.”
  • One may wonder whether this applies also to himself. In fact he is faced by two rebellions: teh Lord Resistance Army (LRA) and the Allied Defense Forces (ADF-NALU).

    ©Copyright, AfroAmerica Network 2010


    Rwandan Troops, Reinforced by FDLR Deserters Reenter East-DRC

    A large contingent of Rwandan Government Defense Forces (RDF) soldiers have entered the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), sources within MONUSCO (United Nations Stabilization Mission for Congo) informed AfroAmerica Network. 
According to the same sources, the troops started to enter massively through the Kibumba border post and the volcanoes (Virunga National Park) that sit at the borders between Rwanda and the DRC over the weekend.
    That area is covered by the thick jungles of the rain forest which extends along the border between the two countries and is a wildlife refuge. According to the sources, the motives of the sudden deployment in the Kivus by RDF remain unknown. MONUSCO is allegedly still verifying the extent and the destination of the troops.
    Sources contacted in Kivu confirmed the deployment and added that the troops are actually moving toward the Rutshuru area, using the Bwiza settlement controlled by CNDP and situated within the Virunga National Park.
    Among these troops are the ex-FDLR and RUD-Urunana officers who had deserted of chose to be repatriated to Rwanda over the last years. These officers are regrouped in the military camp of Mukamira and retrained, before being integrated into the RDF units being sent to DRC. It is believed that they will help in gathering intelligence and identifying their former units.
    The sources have also indicated that the targets of these new military operations are the groups accused by the Rwandan Government of working with the dissident exiled RDF officers, General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Partick Karegeya.
    In fact the areas where the advanced RDF units were last seen are occupied by the CNDP troops loyal to General Laurent Nkunda imprisoned in Kigali, Colonel Gaheza, and the armed group SOK, that have been accused by Rwandan intelligence services of being the allies of the two dissidents.

    ©AfroAmerica Network, 2011.


    DRC President Joseph Kabila Hires Rwandan Presidential Guards After Failed Coup Attempt

    Kinshasa, March 20, 2011

    Sources in Kinshasa and Kigali tell AfroAmerica Network that the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) President Joseph Kabila has recently increased the number of Rwandan soldiers within his embattled president guard. The decision came after the recent alleged failed coup attempt and the subsequent purge of the congolese military.

    According to official version put forward by the Congolese government, on February 27, 2011 a group of soldiers armed with automatic weapons and traditional arms including machetes, amulets, and spears attacked President Kabila’s residence, a military camp and a public TV station in Kinshasa in an attempt to seize power.   The attackers were allegedly fought off by the presidential guard after twenty minutes of heavy shooting. Later that day, another group riding motorcycles and flatbed cars attacked another military camp and fled after heavy shooting. The rather sensational version was given by the Minister of Communications and Government spokesperson, Lambert Mende on March 1, 2011.

    Contradictory versions about the impact on Joseph Kabila and his escape were given. Some versions alleged that he narrowly escaped the assassination attempt and got away with an injury. This version was fueled by his several days absence from the public just after the alleged coup. A more pervasive version, later reinforced by the government,  alleged that he was not home at the time of the attack.

    Some who support this last version allege that the attackers were expected, after President Joseph Kabila had been tipped off by Rwandan intelligence services.

    What is sure is that coups were shot, soldiers within the presidential guard were killed, and a score of the alleged attackers were killed and others arrested: 126 according to the government.

    Immediately after the attack, the DRC government accused the former FARDC General Faustine Munene, who fled to the Congo of being behind the attack (see articles: General Faustine Munene arrested in Pointe Noire, Congo of January 18, 2011 and New Armed Rebellion in DRC Launches by General Fasutine Munene of November 10, 2010)

    But the mystery thickened when the Rwandan Minister of Defense, General James Kabarebe flew to Kinshasa, a few days after the attempt. Sources within the office of  the DRC security services told AfroAmerica Network that General James Kabarebe, accompanied by Captain Francis Gakwere  went to Kinshasa to identify the bodies of the Rwandan soldiers who were killed during the attack.

    However, few knew how and why these Rwandan soldiers were there. Investigations by AfroAmerica Network were able to uncover the “pot aux roses” as the French people say.

    When Joseph Kabila took power over after the assassination of his father Laurent Kabila by a Rwanda intelligence operative within his presidential guard, he purged all the presidential guard of “unreliable” soldiers, leaving mostly those hailing from the Katanga province, his region of origin.  The presidential guard of Laurent Kabila had been recruited, trained and organized by the Rwandan operative Francis Gakwere (see our article Francis Gakwere: Portrait of a Professional Assassin of  August 5, 2010 ).

    However, as days went by, the division among the soldiers from Katanga appeared, compounded with upheavals in Katanga and Lubumbashi itself and corruption within the security services. Meanwhile, General James Kabarebe managed to mend relations between DRC and Rwanda. One of the selling point was when he pointed out the holes in Joseph Kabila’s security, especially as rumors of coup plots and conspiracies abounded in Kinshasa.  He proposed to have Captain Francis Gakwerere do a thorough assessment and come up with a proposal. From the initial proposal, around 30 Rwandan elite soldiers were dispatched to Kinshasa as an advanced squad within Joseph Kabila’s guard. A second phase was to follow, with the aim of created a real force that my preempt any formidable threat. It is when this phase was about to be executed that the alleged coup took place.

    The coup attempt accelerated the deployment of Rwandan soldiers in Kinshasa, where they are now in charge of the security of all Kabila’s residences and movements and those of his relatives.

    Whether this will reassure Joseph Kabila or not, it appears more and more that he has become dependent on  the Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

    © AfroAmerica Network, Marc 2011


    Photo: General Nkunda detained in Rwanda

    Sources in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have informed AfroAmerica Network that a Congolese rebel colonel who has been linked to the Rwandan dissident General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Patrick Karegeya was assassinated by Rwandan intelligence services operatives in the area of Rutshuru, North Kivu on Friday Feb 25, 2011.
    The assassinated congolese rebel, Colonel Emmanuel Nsengiyumva, was a former CNDP official, who defected after being integrated into FARDC. He was in the group supporting the congolese renegade General Nkunda imprisoned in Rwanda. In fact he was a relative of General Nkunda and served as his bodyguard. Both were from Jomba, a region along the DRC-Uganda-Rwanda border. He was opposed to the new CNDP leader General Bosco Ntaganda, indicted by ICC for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
    The assassin, from the clan of Abagogwe from which Ntaganda himself hails, fled to Rwanda after the assassination. The assassin had been recruited recently, claiming to be fleeing persecution in Rwanda after being accused of supporting General Kayumba Nyamwasa.
    In recent months, there have been persistent reports of fresh deployments of Rwandan army soldiers into Eastern DRC. According to the reports, Rwandan troops deployed to Eastern Congo to preempt actions by a new coalition of anti-Kigali forces allegedly composed of the CNDP defector Emmanuel Nsengiyumva, the FPLC commander Gad Ngabo, the FDLR, the Mai-Mai Cheka, and General Kayumba Nyamwasa’s forces. In December 2009 Colonel Nsengiyumva defected the CNDP from his positions in Nyabiondo- Ntoto-Kibua-Masisi and joined the FDLR brigade led by Colonel Sadiki along with close to 200 troops and weapons including heavy artillery.
    In July 2010, Rwandan security services accused the CNDP dissidents, close to General Laurent Nkunda, for being behind a string of grenade attacks in Kigali in collusion with General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Patrick Karegeya. Sources in Kigali contacted by AfroAmerica Network at the time had rather pointed out that if the ex-CNDP members were to be involved in the attacks, it could have been because of being unhappy with General Nkunda’s continued detention in Rwanda and the leadership of ICC-indictee Bosco Ntaganda, a henchman of the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame.

    In November 2010, the UN Experts published a report in which they confirmed a alleged collaboration among FDLR, Mai-Mai Cheka (or Sheka) and Colonel Nsengiyumva: “ In addition, Sheka has benefited from the support of former CNDP commander Emmanuel Nsengiyumva, who deserted his FARDC post as the commander of the 2,111th battalion in December 2009. According to MONUSCO, Nsengiyumva had
    been in contact with Sadiki (NDLR: Lieutenant Colonel Evariste “Sadiki” Kanzeguhera) since September 2009. According to ex-combatants interviewed by the Group, Nsengiyumva’s and Seraphin’s headquarters remain separate from those of Sheka’s. The three units jointly plan and carry out operations, however.”

    The death of Colonel Emmanuel Nsengiyumva may leave General Bosco Ntaganda with very few challengers. In fact, apart from his formed comrade of RDC-Goma and relative, Colonel Gad Ngabo, the head of FPLC, there may not be another serious contender for the leadership of the Tutsi in North-Kivu. The other ex-CNDP and relative of both Bosco Ntaganda and Gad Ngabo, Wilson Nsengiyumva has disappeared in Rwanda for a while.

    ©AfroAmerica Network, 2011


    Bernard Kushner seeks UN Envoy to Haiti Job

    Sources at the United Nations in New York inform AfroAmerica Network that the former French Minister, Bernard Kushner is tipped to be appointed the next UN Envoy to Haiti.
    If he is appointed, he will replace the current UN Envoy, Edmond Mulet, who has been facing mounting criticism for the failings to avert the cholera epidemic outbreak that killed thousands of Haitians displaced by earthquakes.

    Bernard Kushner, sacked last year by French President Sarkozy, has been lobbying for the position since last Fall, after he realized his days as Foreign Minister were counted (see our September 17, 2010: French Sarkozy to dump Kushner from Government in October 2010) .

    Mr. Edmond Mulet has been facing tough opposition in New York and in Haiti itself. Recently, calls from Haitian opposition leaders called for his resignation and for an investigation on the way he handled the relief efforts for Haiti. Among the Haitian virulent politicians are Social Affairs Minister Yves Christallin and the candidate of the Renmen Ayiti party.

    Other candidates vying for the position are Atul Khare, the deputy head of Peacekeeping operations, Nigel Fisher, the UN Humanitarian Affairs coordinator in Haiti, and several other candidates. According to the sources, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who has the final decision, appears to be leaning towards Bernard Kushner.

    However, despite a powerful lobby supporting Bernard Kushner, several people have been questioning his abilities and pointed to his controversial humanitarian work in the crises in the Balkans and in Rwanda in early 1990s.

    Kushner is accused by French author, Pierre Pean, for having used the crises to his material benefits. Kushner has rejected the allegations.

    ©AfroAmerica Network, 2011


    French Judges To Issue Arrest Warrants Against Paul Kagame’s Aides

    Photo: Jack Nziza and Nyiragakinga Immaculee

    Sources close to the French anti-terrorism prosecution in Paris have informed AfroAmerica Network that the French anti-terrorist Judges Marc Trevin  and Nathalie Poux will soon issue arrest warrants for six close aides to Rwandan President Paul Kagame. The six are accused of shooting down a plane carrying the late Rwandan  and Burundian Presidents Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira.

    The assassination of the two presidents and their staff, along with  the french crew triggered the Rwandan massacres of 1994. Those targeted by the arrest warrants are: General James Kabarebe, the current Minister of Defense, General Jack Nziza, aka Jackson Nkurunziza, the director of the notorious Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Kayonga, Jacob Tumwine, Franck Nziza,  Eric Hakizimana,  Samuel Kanyemera, and General Kayumba Nyamwasa.

    The two  French judges have been working on the case for some time, after taking over from the retired Judge Bruguiere. In September 2010 they made a trip to Rwanda and brought in experts to reconstruct the attack. The results, with ballistic reconstructions,  are expected in early March 2011 as the arrest warrants are issued. The area from where the missiles were fired  was a critical component that helped determine whether the  assassins were in government held areas or on a farm suspected to have been used by a rebel commando, led by Frank Nziza and Eric Hakizimana.

    According to the same sources, the investigations and ballistic reconstructions have ruled out other areas as potential shooting sites.

    On December 16, 2010 the judges travelled to Bujumbura, Burundi to indict six of the accused. They also travelled to South Africa to indict General Kayumba Nyamwasa, now in exile in South Africa. His lawyer Gerald Gahima travelled to  Spain to respond to  a related indictment (see our articles of September 28, 2010: Former Rwandan Prosecutor General Gahima testifies agains Kagame in Spain). Jacob Tumwine has since the assassination retired from the army. Frank Nziza  and Eric Hakizimana are the suspected shooters. However, Eric Hakizimana is allegedly dead.

    The former Chief of Protocol Mr. Kagame, Rose Kabuye, also named in the warrants was the person indicted in late 2008, and used to restore the diplomatic relations. According to the same sources in Paris, she has since testified against the others in exchange for dropping charges against her. This collaboration led to her firing from her position as Rwandan Chief of Presidential Protocol (see our September 3, 2010 article: Rwandan Protocol Chief Rose Kabuye Fired).

    The case has been a contentious issue between the Rwandan Government of Paul Kagame and the French Government and has led to severed diplomatic relations between Rwanda and France. The relations were eventually restored when France agreed to revisit the case and Rwanda to have one of the accused appear before the French courts.
    The impact of the arrest warrants on the relations remains to be seen. Recently pressure from a powerful Rwandan lobby in France has been mounting to force the hand of the judiciary system and dropping the warrants.

    ©AfroAmerica Network, 2011.


    Sources in Kigali Rwanda inform AfroAmerica Network that the Rwandan Government Minister of Youth and Sports, Joe Habineza has resigned. He tendered his resignation after a wide circulation of pictures showing him with several women in sexual but not pornographic scenes.


    Joe Habineza, one of the youngest ministers and the few ethnic Hutu in a government dominated by the minority ethnics Tutsi was seen as a rising star and close to President Paul Kagame.  According to the same sources, he was sacked by President Paul Kagame, through the  Prime Minister Benard Makuza, under the fear that the pictures may tarnish further  the image of the government.

    Last year, rumors circulated regarding the alleged long term affair between two powerful figures within the government,  Minister Protais Musoni and the Kigali-City Mayor, Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira. The case went to court and eventually some members of the government were sacked for revealing the affairs. One of the sacked officials was Mayor of Gasabo, Claudine Nyinawagaga. Recently, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira resigned from her position as Mayor and was appointed Eastern Province Governor, in a move some see as separating her from Protais Musoni.

    ©AfroAmerica, 2011.


    Rwandan Government Seeks Sexual Castration of Targeted Males

    In June 2009, the Rwandan Government introduced a bill to the parliament seeking the castration of the so called “socially degenerate people”. We wrote a discourse arguing that if the bill were to pass, it would be a repeat of the tragedy of the Jews (see our July 3, 2009 discourse: Rwanda Government seeks sexual castration of socially degenerate people: a repeat of the tragedy of the Jews and the Gypsies). The measure did not pass. Frankly, the Rwandan regime, led by a small clique within the minority ethnic Tutsis, is known for more horrendous crimes. People could have seen the bill as another of these crimes. But this one was an insidious pogrom targeting social groups for extermination, under the cover of “good”. Only Nazi could have achieved a worse crime! The World must have pushed a sigh of relief when the bill died. But did the bill really die. Maybe, but the intentions of the Rwandan government have since taken another form: male castration under the cover of family planning.
    As the Rwandan official, Ms Agnes Bigwanabo (pictured above), the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health put it, while defending both the initiative and the Rwandan government’s intentions: “there is not target for voluntary vasectomy.” As we know, in Rwanda, “no target” usually means “anyone” the government wants to be castrated. We saw that in elections, in government run programs, and any other government directives. Castration can hardly be an exception. If the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame wants a male castrated, then the man will be castrated.
    Ms. Agnes Bigwanabo was quick to add: ‘’[the] advantages of male castration over female sterilization include lower rates of postoperative complications, shorter recovery time, reduced costs and increased involvement of men in reproductive decision-making.”
    That may be true, and actually it usually is if you want to make the comparison from the cost perspective. The problem is: this is a false analogy. The argument should have been on why they want to castrate the males. Our understanding was that it is for family planning. Family planning is a family matter, not a government decision. The family, a man and woman, have the right to agree between them what best birth control method they prefer, based on factors such as convenience, cost, efficacy, etc. Imposing a birth control on families is a grave human right violation. Unfortunately, this is the second such an attempt to the violation within two years.
    As we said earlier in late June 2009, the Rwanda government, mostly composed of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, introduced the so called “Reproductive Health Bill” to the Rwandan Parliament, pushing for a law to sterilize people deemed “socially degenerate” or “mentally unstable or ill.” The main purpose of the bill is to legalize the forceful sterilization of people judged mentally handicapped, ill, or unstable. According to people inside Rwanda, the bill targeted basically anyone deemed having behaviors not falling within the norms. Apart from the violation of basic human rights, another major problem of the bill is to determine what these norms could be.
    Despite the backing of the bill by the Rwandan president General Paul Kagame, the Parliament referred the bill back to the Rwandan Parliamentarians for the Population’s Development (RPRPD) and eventually sent back to the bill’s initiators – among them former Health Minister Dr. Jean Damascene Ntawukuriryayo [pictured above], one of the very few ethnic Hutus in the Tutsi led government. The Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee that analyzed the bill, Mr. Samuel Musabyimana argued that “[Rwandan] parliament found that there was language in the Bill that was not clear and seemed to be infringing on basic human rights.” Clearly, even the puppet Rwandan parliament had the courage to reject the monstrosity.
    At that time, in Kigali, several government officials confided to an AfroAmerica Network correspondent that the bill constituted one of the many tools used by the Rwandan government to control the birth rate of some components of the Rwandan society by sexual sterilization. The bill also targeted those opposed to the Rwandan government and their relatives. The Rwandan officials argued that anyone may be labelled mentally degenerate by the government; especially those accused of genocide ideology or anyone under stress due to torture, wrongful imprisonment or persecution by the government Gacaca courts. Hutu ethnic group members were particularly targeted by the bill and several were allegedly already candidates for legal sterilization if and whenever the bill were to pass.
    Fatefully, the argument of “socially degenerate could not pass then. Now the government has switched the gear: family planning. Definitely the lessons of the Nazi against Jews, Poramojas and gypsies during World War II did not teach the current Rwandan leaders much. For the history, arguments like the ones used by Rwandan Government were used in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Romania after World War II. In Czechoslovakia, the women were sterilized as part of a state policy to reduce their population. The report published in December 2005 upon an official inquiry from the Czech Republic, condemned the Communist authorities for having practiced an assimilation policy towards gypsies and Roma, which "included efforts by social services to control the birth rate in the Romani community by sexual sterilization.

    AfroAmerica Network
    e-mail: mail@afroamerica.net

    © AfroAmerica Network, 2011


    Rwandan Security Operatives Target Opposition and Critics in DIaspora

    Photo: Tom Ndahiro

    The Rwandan Government, led by a small minority within the Tutsis ethnics has unleashed a campaign of harassment, attacks on its critics and opposition leaders in the diaspora. The attacks include media saturation, meetings, and security operatives to target opposition.
    The campaign follows attempts to act on a hitlist by Rwandan Intelligence services were thwarted by leaks (see The Rwanda Hit List – Conscious Being Alliance ) and tender offers to harass and persecute oppositions leaders (see here) and other media, political and diplomatic actions failed to reach its goals.
    The campaign is coordinated by Tom Ndahiro, the Communication Adviser to the Rwandan General Dictator Paul Kagame and General Emmanuel Ndahiro, the head of Intelligence, and Rwandan Ambassador in USA, James Kimonyo .
    The campaign coincides with political unrest across Africa  with entrenched dictators being toppled by people rising against years of oppression.

    In 2010 the Rwandan head of intelligence services General Emmanuel Ndahiro, alegedly initiated a covert action to target leaders in the diaspora (see The Rwanda Hit List – Conscious Being Alliance ).   In 2009 and 2010, Jean Sayinzoga, the Chairman of Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), under an order titled Recruitment of International Sensitisation consultant No. 02/CS/RDRC/09 launched a  tender worth of more than a million dollars to target opposition leaders living in America. The terms of the contract singled out RUD-Urunana in North America as the enemy number one of the Rwandan Government, because of "the critically detrimental role played by the RUD-Urunana’s leaders abroad, particularly in Europe and North America, in sustaining the armed movements on the ground, in projecting a powerful image of the opposition abroad and in promoting their goals internationally… RUD-Urunana reflects a policy to seek alliances and support abroad from foreign governments, regional and international organizations, the media, the church and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), through misinformation and deception".
    On December 30, 2009, the Rwandan opened another tender for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The tender  N°01/CS/RDRC/ 2010  titled "Request for expressions of interest for the consultant to support the Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission´s work with regard to Rwandese armed groups in foreign countries,"  was signed by Mr. Sayinzoga Jean on 30th December 2009 and published on January 18, 2010. With the tender, the Rwandan Government invited “expressions of interest for an international consultant who will help to address the gaps that allow campaigns of misinformation and disinformation of armed groups to go unchecked with far-reaching consequences.”
    The hit-lists and the two tenders, all targeting the opposition leaders and NGOs in the opposition appears to be the tip of the iceberg of the criminal intentions of the Rwandan tyrants.


    In several posts on blogs (see ttp://friendsofevil.wordpress.com/2010/08/30/academics-lawyers-and-journalists-joined-in-genocide-denial/  and http://friendsofevil.wordpress.com/2010/12/10/spanish-fame-and-shame-manipulations-of-ngos-and-media/) Tom Ndahiro sets the tone and put a mark on key individuals to target. The indiividuals include leaders of Rwandan opposition groups, but also anyone who dared to say: there is a problem of governance, freedom, and human rights in Rwanda.

    ★ First the foreign lawyers and academics:
    ✴ Peter Erlinder, a man wanted by Kigali, he was jailed in Rwanda for daring to defend a Rwandan opposition leader. He was released after pressure from the US State Department.
    ✴ Jeffrey Gettlemen, New York Times journalist: for daring to write articles documenting abuses in Rwanda, especially documenting the human rights abuses in Iwawa (see our article here: http://www.afroamerica.net/Africa/World_Events/Entries/2010/5/2_Iwawa%2C_the_Rwandan_Gulag.html, comparing the prison of Iwawa to Russian gulags)

    ✴ Peter Robinson, an ICTR lawyer and Ann Garrison, for being among Peter Erlinder’s friends and colleague or as TOm Ndahiro puts it: “in Erlinder’s network.”

    ✴ Journalists Harmon Snow and David Barouski: “prolific deniers” for Tom Ndahiro
    ✴ Robin Phillips, executive director of the Advocates for Human Rights, accused on being in “Erlinder’s network”.

    ✴ Chris Black for being “a known genocide denier” over Canada

    ✴ John Philpot, defense council at the ICTR for being “a known genocide denier

    ✴ Arthur Vercken and Anta Guisse, “two French lawyers at the ICTR who have joined the bandwagon” of critics of the Rwandan regime.

    ✴ David Guesspass, for having questionned the motives behind Erlinder’s case

    ✴ Kenneth Gallant, law professor of the William H. Bowen School of Law at the University of Arkansas, for playing a role in “thoughtless defense”.

    ✴ Niloufer Bhagwat, the Vice President of the Indian Association of Lawyers, for joining the cohort of “deniers”.

    ✴ Eric Janus, the dean at William Mitchell, for describing Peter Erlinder as “a tenacious and vigorous advocate” of human rights.

    ✴ ”Infected Academics”: Christian Davenport, Professor of Political Science at the University of Maryland, Allan Stam, William Van der Griend, and Mick Collins.

    ★ Foreign Countries and Government:
    ✴ Spanish Government: for indicting criminals within the Rwandan Patriotic Front
    ✴ Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, for refusing “to meet President Paul Kagame” and snubbing the Rwandan dictator and demonstrating “his lack of sound judgement ” and having been “influenced by two ill-famed genocide enthusiasts, Juan Carrero and Bernat Vicens.”

    ★ Foreign Human Rights Activists and politicians:
    ✴ Spanish Senator, Pere Sampol for being a “virulent extremist” and behind the indictments of RPF criminals.
    ✴ Juan Carrero, President of Fundation S’Olivar: for being an “active coordinators of the anti-Tutsi hate movement and being behind the indictments of RPF criminals. Also labelled “chief bigot.”
    ✴ Fundacion S’Olivar for being a “ lobbying group [that] has co-opted various NGOs, the judiciary, private lawyers, academics, city councils, and now, the central Spanish government,” Former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney: for being a “plaintif” in the case against the RPF criminals

    ★ For being “Hutus and Tutsis in exile” or associations of Hutus and Tutsis in exile:
    ✴  Marie Béatrice Umutesi—“sociologist, writer, Rwandan victim and refugee;”
    ✴ Assistance Aux Victimes Des Conflits en Afrique Centrale” (AVICA);
    ✴ Association of Victims Pro Justitia;”
    ✴ “Centre de Lutte contre l’Impunité/ Centre for the Struggle against Impunity and Injustice”(CLIIR);
    ✴ Forum on Justice in the Great Lakes Region
    ✴ Organization for Peace, Justice and Development in Rwanda (OPJDR).

    ★ Rwandans:
    ✴ Dr Pascal Ndengejeho, for “accusing the RPF of being behind the founding of militia groups, including the Interahamwe itself.”
    ✴ Dr Leopold Munyakazi, for referring to the 1994 Rwandan massacres as “ as civil war, not genocide; it was about political power.”
    ✴ Antoine Nyetera told the court that: “It is the RPF that started the killings, this brought about the Hutu reaction that led to the overall killings.”
    ✴ Joseph Matata, President of CLIIR, for being “ a self-proclaimed defender of genocide ideology and genocidaires.” Charles Ndereyehe, for being “a leader and an ideologue of genocidaires” and “invoking the syndicates of liars”
    ✴ Dr. Félicien Kanyamibwa and Jean Marie Vianney Higiro for being “the founders of [OPJDR] organisation” and advocating to “Set up an international commission to investigate the genocide of Hutu committed by the RPF in Rwanda and DRC.”

    ©AfroAmerica Network, 2011


    Protected: UN Security Council Meet Rwandan Opposition Leaders

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