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MONUSCO extended by UN Security Council for One Year

New York, June 28, 2011

On Tuesday June 28, 2011 the United Nations Security Council has extended for one year MONUSCO, the peace keeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The 15 members forming the UN Security Council unanimously adopted the expected resolution and reaffirmed “that the protection of civilians must be given priority” by the mission (MONUSCO), which last year succeeded an earlier mission known as MONUC.

The mission is strengthened by 20,000 military and police peacekeepers, including some 17,000 blue helmet military personnel, more than 1,000 police officers and almost 1,000 international civilian staff.

The UN Security Council also tasked MONUSCO to “support the organization and conduct of national, provincial and local elections, through the provision of technical and logistical support as requested by the Congolese authorities”.

Presidential and legislative elections in the DRC are scheduled for November 2011, and President Joseph Kabila is expected to run for a second term. He modified the constitution earlier this year and got the parliament dominated by his allies to allow only one turn, giving himself uneven chances of winning.

In a veiled criticism of Joseph Kabila’s tactics, the he resolution called for “the successful holding of timely, inclusive, peaceful, credible and transparent elections, in accordance with the constitution and international standards, is a key condition for the consolidation of democracy, national reconciliation”.

©AfroAmerica Network, 2011.


Rwandan Rebel Officers from an Offshoot Group Surrender

Rwandan Rebel Officer from an Offshoot Group Linked to General Kayumba Nyamwasa by Rwandan Government Surrenders.

Sources in Rwanda tell AfroAmerica Network that a Rwandan rebel, Colonel Norbert Ndererimana aka Colonel Gaheza has surrendered to Rwandan security services, along with his bodyguard and three Rwandan intelligence operatives that were operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). According to the sources, the operatives, including a woman had been in Congo for the last few months, trying to convince both Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Tumusifu Moses to surrender.

The plan, hatched by Rwandan intelligence services, is to use the two in building the case against General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Karegeya. The Rwandan government has been trying to link the two dissidents to the Rwandan rebels operating in the DRC, especially FDLR and RUD-Urunana.

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The mission to get the rebels that the Rwandan government is trying to link to General Kayumba Nyamwasa was operationally launched in March 2011 when Rwandan government troops crossed into DRC (see our March 21, 2011 article – Rwandan Troops Reinforced by FDLR Deserters Reenter East-DRC). The mission of the military operations was to preempt any link between General Kayumba Nyamwasa and FDLR or RUD-Urunana troops based in Eastern DRC.

In late April 2011, Colonel Wenceslas Nizeyimana, another high ranking Rwandan rebel associated with Colonel Gaheza, surrendered to MUNUSCO and was subsequently sent to Rwanda. (see: Rwandan Rebel Officer from an Offshoot Linked to General Kayumba Nyamwasa Surrenders )

Colonel Wenceslas Nizeyimana, alias Kit, once an FDLR spokesperson based in Kampala, was imprisoned in Uganda in 2006. He was allegedly freed from prison following the intervention of RUD-Urunana leadership and intense lobbying with the Ugandan Government. He subsequently joined RUD-Urunana armed wing, the National Army (AN-Imboneza) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). However, in 2010, RUD-Urunana leaders expelled him from AN-Imboneza for unspecified reasons along with 10 people, including dependents.

He joined the armed group being set up by Colonel Gaheza, also expelled from RUD-Urunana in 2008 and Colonel Sok, expelled from FDLR-FOCA in around 2006. Both Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Sok were accused by the Rwandan government of working with the Rwandan dissident General Kayumba Nyamwasa.

Ironically, Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana’s joining RUD-Urunana had coincided with the expulsion Colonel Gaheza. After the defection of Colonel Nizeyimana, sources in Goma told AfroAmerica Network that Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Sok accused the wife of Colonel Wenceslas Nizeyimana of having provided the intelligence to the Rwandan operatives. Before the defection, the wife of Wenceslas Nizeyimana had been crisscrossing between Rwanda and the DRC, and had spent two weeks visiting with her husband from her residence in Northwestern Rwanda and staying with the Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Sok’s troops.
Sources tell AfroAmerica Network that despite the accusations against Nizeyimana’s wife by Colonel Gaheza, Colonel Gaheza himself was already in contact with the Rwandan Security Services, through the operatives, and negotiating his surrender.
AfroAmerica Network has obtained from sources within Rwandan intelligence services e-mails and text messages sent to Colonel Gaheza and Colonel Moses by Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana after he defected. In one of the text messages, Colonel Winceslas Nizeyimana is telling Colonel Gaheza the following message translated from Rwandan language (- see original in Rwandan language below):
Hi brother! We are in the camp where they are teaching us computer skills, that is why I am sending you a message so that we may give each other frequent updates on events. I am already well established. Here we will spend two to three months. Please pray for us so that we may not fail like Colonel Moses Tumusifu. We are ready for good things to come. How about you? Why don’t you come [to Rwanda] so that we may start a new life together, advise and support each other. Think about it and let me know. Kit.”
[Original: " Komera cyane mon frere. Ubu ndi mu ngando aho bari kuduhugura kuri computer ni nayo mpamvu mpise nkwandikira kugira ngo tujye duhanahana amakuru. maze kumenyera. Ino tuzamara nk'amezi 2 cg 3 ubwo ni ukudusabira tukazatsinda aya masomo kuko iyo wibeshye uradubura nka TUMUSIFU Moses. Twiteguye impinduka nziza. Wowe se bite waje tugatangirana ubuzima bushya tukajya twungurana ibitekerezo mu mikorere? Ubwo ubitekerezeho uzansubiza. Komera rero. Kit "]

According to Rwandan intelligence sources that provided the e-mails and text messages to AfroAmerica Network, Colonel Nizeyimana was given unfettered but watched access to the computer so that he may convince Colonel Gaheza to defect to Rwanda. Some e-mails and text messages were written by the handler but sent by Colonel Nizeyimana.
With the defection of Colonel Gaheza, analysts expect Rwandan government to revive the case against General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Karegeya, that had recently faltered after UN Panel of Experts on the DRC rejected Rwandan allegations (see our article No Collaboration Among Kayumba, Karegeya, RUD-Urunana, and FDLR, UN Experts Says).

©AfroAmerica Network, June 2011


South African Security Services Hunt Down Rwandan Operatives

Sources close to South African Police tell AfroAmerica Network that South African Security Services have been on alert after several Rwandans, believed to be intelligence operatives and assassins were arrested. Security services seized multiple passports, including South African fake passports, on Rwandans traveling across Southern African Development Community countries. The seizure of the fake passports follow a disclosure by South African police of alleged recorded communications between Rwandan intelligence high ranking officials and Rwandan operatives based in South Africa.
In some of the recordings (for those who know the Rwandan language, you may listen on Youtube® here and here and on Rwandan news media Umuvugizi here).

Based on the translations by AfroAmerica Network partners and the confirmation from the South African sources, the conversations are allegedly among the Rwandan external intelligence Chief General Jack Nziza, General Paul Kagame’s security advisor Emmanuel Ndahiro, Captain Francis Gakwerere and Pascal Kanyandekwe (see our article on Francis Gakwere here), the alleged assassins, and General Kumba Nyamwasa’s personal driver.
In the taped phone conversations, one hears Rwandan intelligence and security services chiefs organizing the assassinations of General Kayumba on his hospital bed, after he had survived an earlier assassassination. The Rwandan operatives propose to use South African killers dressed in either doctor or police uniforms to get into hospital and shoot the Rwandan dissident General. They said South African killers have asked to be paid US $ 500,000 with the first half to be paid before the assassination. In one tape, the Rwandan intelligence chiefs agree to the price but asked to be swift given that the assassination must coincide with the opening of the World Soccer Cup tournament in South Africa.
In another tape, Rwandan intelligence propose to rather use an innovative poison that the Rwandan security services have developing and testing on dogs and inmates. The Rwandan intelligence chiefs says that the poison kills the victim within two months and does not leave any traces, which would be critical in this case and insisted that this time they should not miss.
The Rwandan operatives agree with the position and say that if necessary, they would physically eliminate the South African “white” policeman guarding the injured general and shoot and injure themselves to give impression of an attack by outside assassins.

The tapes and the arrests of operatives with fake passports have created an upheaval within the South African security services, especially the National Intelligence Agency (NIA).
The NIA Head Lizo Gibson Njenje and NIA chief Moe Shaik have personally decided to handle the sensitive case, Moe Shaik has made several trips to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe over the last months to ask for their cooperation to apprehend the operatives and warn the local intelligence services. According to AfroAmerica Network sources, the conversations among Rwandan intelligence and security chiefs, General Nziza and General Emmanuel Ndahiro and Moe Shaik were so tense that Moe Shaik asked to meet General Paul Kagame to warn him of the consequences. Instead, he met the Rwandan Foreign Affairs minister, Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo, who repeated the diplomatic denial of the implications of Rwanda in assassination plots against Rwandan dissidents in South Africa.
South Africa recalled its High Commissioner in Rwanda last year to protest the assassination attempts (see here). So far the South African High Commissioner has not returned to Rwanda and Rwandan high commission in South Africa has reduced its high ranking staff.
With the new developments and as the Rwandan government continues to dispatch assassins around the World, the relations between the Rwandan government and South African and other countries are expected to remain tense.

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©AfroAmerica Network 2011. All Rights reserved.


On May 13, 2011, MONUSCO Congolese  employees have written to the UN Special Representative of the of United Nations Secretary General  in the Democratic Republic of the Congo accusing the DDRRR Director, Alex Gregory of harassment and being a Rwandan agent who has infiltrated the UN peace keeping mission in the  DRC .

The letter, of which AfroAmerica Network has received a copy was written in Goma by MONUC Congolese employees Pascal Buraka, John Wamungu Bashall, Agatha Bazungu, Felix Kambale, and Ernest Ntabara.

They accuse Alex Gregory, an American citizen who acquired a Rwandan citizenship after marrying a Rwandan  woman who is allegedly a former high ranking insider of the  Rwandan Patriotic Front, the party of  the Rwandan president  Paul Kagame.

In some serious accusations, MONUSCO employees allege that Alex Gregory held a meeting with his  staff and  stated that he will kill “Agathe Bazungu, Pascal Buraka, and Felix Kambale”  and has organized “the kidnapping of  FDLR officer  Captain Jeome Nzanzimana Soso and his wife  and made them disappear” while they were contacting him for repatriation.

They also accuse a Congolese MONUC employee, Mass Walimba, a close aid to Alex Gregory for  planning to assassinate them.

MONUSCO employees  allege that on May 4, 2011, Alex Gregory organized a meeting with the sole topic on the agenda: “Hatred of Congolese against Rwandans.” During the  introduction of the meeting Alex Gregory allegedly  ”denounced the pervasive hatred of the Congolese against Rwandans and reminded the audience the fact that he [Alex Gregory] is not only a Rwandan citizen but also married to a Rwandan woman.

He  apparently added that his mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was “to make sure that FDLR never leave the Congolese soil because all are genocidaires and he had witnessed FDLR  raping millions of women in front of him in Rwanda.”

Later, Alex Gregory allegedly added:” You Agathe Bazungu, you are idiot and your face is full of hatred.”

The authors of the letter ask the UN Secretary General Special Representative  in the DRC to launch investigations into the alleged unprofessional and criminal behavior by Alex Gregory, his and Mass Walimba’s  death threats, disappearances and possible assassination  of  the FDLR officer and  his wife  by DDRRR agents to prevent him for being repatriated to Rwanda, sudden arrest of  another FDLR officer, Bienvenu Koko, who worked as Alex Gregory’s informant.

The authors sent a copy to several UN high ranking officials both in the DRC and New York.

©AfroAmerica Network, 2011.  All Rights Reserved.



Rwandan President General Paul Kagame Globetrotting Western Capitals While his Alleged Assassins are Roaming Western Countries.

AfroAmerica Network, France.  June 16, 2011.

On June 10, 2011  General Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda,  was in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. Surrounded by thousands of  Rwandan government paid supporters,  he appeared to preach to the choir. Introduced by American Civil Rights leader  Reverend Jesse Jackson and surrounded by Joe Ritchie,  the Chicago Magnate, Rwandan Honorary Consul, and Advisor to the Rwandan President, General Paul Kagame touted  his vision of the new Rwanda before the seemingly enthusiastic Rwandan diaspora.  Economic success is an area where General Paul Kagame feels comfortable. However, while Paul Kagame supporters prefer to focus on  apparent economic advances the country has made since he took office, they avoid to open the can of worms. The lack of political space and the rampant  repression have engulfed  the tiny country in Central Africa so much that most of the major human rights organization and international media have been sounding an alarm for the last years. Thus, while Rwandan alleged assassins  roam  Western countries, Paul Kagame  is globetrotting Western capitals playing both the victim  and the unsung hero card.

Recently, several  media outlets have exposed how General Paul Kagame’s operatives have been targeting opponents around the World,  especially in Europe and America (The Independent (UK), June 9/11) . One piece of the most publicized news came from the UK where it was reported that  British security services had warned two Rwandan  refugees of being in imminent danger. With the warnings, the British security services advised  the concerned individuals to take appropriate measures for their own security. Meanwhile, it was subsequently reported that one of Rwandan intelligence operatives based in Europe was intercepted by the British services on May 13, 2011 when he was about to cross the border at Folkestone  Eurotunnel Terminal. The individual arrested by the British Police held one the rank of lieutenant in the Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA), the armed wing of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF),  General Paul Kagame’s political party. He was then an intelligence officer.  When the incidents in the UK were investigated further, it was discovered that  Paul Kagame’s operatives have been active for years in the rest of Europe especially Belgium, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia. It was subsequently reported that one of such cells is allegedly based in France where it has been terrorizing and spying on political opponents and former RPF/RPA members, who defected and fled to Europe.
From sources in France, two former  RPA officers are under the watch of  the French police and security services. They are suspected of being part of General Paul Kagame’s hit  squads operating in France. The suspected individuals are former Sgt. Jean Bosco Sasita and  Second Lt. John Bosco Murenzi. Both individuals served in the RPA before allegedly becoming “refugees of convenience” and subsequently landing in France, according to the sources.  AfroAmerica Network has also obtained from the sources surveillance pictures of the two individuals (see pictures, Sgt Jean Bosco Sasita on the right and Second Lt John Bosco Murenzi of the left).

Sergeant Jean Bosco Sasita

Originally from Runda in formerly Gitarama Prefecture, Sgt Jean Bosco Sasita was a member of RPA and worked in G3 division as a military accountant.  He subsequently fled to Uganda where he joined the Rassemblement du Peuple Rwandais (RPR-Inkeragutabara), a political party that includes mainly  former RPF/RPA members that initially fled to Uganda before crossing into the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He later became the spokesperson of that organization. According the RPR members contacted by AfroAmerica Network,  the RPR members found out that Jean Bosco Sasita, while an active RPR member,  had started  working for the Rwandan intelligence services.  When the RPR members started having problems in Uganda, he managed to disappear with the help of Rwandan Intelligence services and ended up in France where he applied and obtained a  refugee status.  Back in Rwanda,  Sgt Jean Bosco Sasita was accused of massively and actively participating in the killings of his neighbors when RPF/RPA took power in 1994.

Second Lieutenant John Bosco Murenzi

Second Lt John Bosco Murenzi worked in the office of the former Rwandan President  Pasteur Bizimungu as a presidential bodyguard before joining General Jack Nziza’s  Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) services. While working as a military intelligence operative, he also attended Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).

AfroAmerica Network contacted former RPA officers who defected to understand the role of such operatives. According to the sources, among others assignments, individuals in these hit squads are supposed to identify, harass, and plant allegations against political opponents to the Paul Kagame and the Rwandan regime.  The operatives also allegedly try to carry out special operations such as assassinations of who ever is deemed to be an obstacle to the current regime. They also appear to conduct  specific missions to target their former companions in order to prevent them from giving testimonies on  RPF/RPA and General Paul Kagame’s crimes. The purpose of the harassment and intimidations is to prevent anyone, especially former RPA insiders from disclosing the crimes committed by  Paul Kagame and his troops and hence challenging  the narrative of the Rwanda political discourse since 1990.
The recent discovery of these networks of Rwandan assassins  and  hit squads appear to have sent a wave of fear among the Rwandan exiled community, especially those who have been trying to present the other side of the current Rwandan regime accused of brutal repression and assassination of opponents, lack of basic human rights such as freedom of opinion and association of its citizens.
AfroAmerica Network is working on several leads and will share with the readers more facts on operations that General Paul Kagame’s services are waging against  Rwandan political opponents in both Europe and North America.

©AfroAmerica Network. Copyright 2011


US Secretary of State Warns African Dictators at African Union

On June 13, 2011, in a statement at the African Union in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia (here) the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton challenged African leaders  to  promote democracy, economic growth, and  peace and security.

“.. the United States seeks new and dynamic partnerships with African peoples, nations, and institutions. We want to help you accelerate the advances that are underway in many places and collaborate with you to reverse the dangerous trends and encourage political, economic, and social progress, ” said the US Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State praised the countries of Botswana, Ghana, and Tanzania for being the role models of democracy in Sub-Sahara Africa and invited their neighbors to emulate their example.  She also cited Nigeria, Malawi, Benin, Niger, Kenya, Guinea and even Ivory Coast for making strides towards democracy.

Countries like Rwanda, Uganda and Ethiopia, not long ago led by a “new breed of leaders,”  according to US President Billl Clinto, did not even qualify for a mention in the area of democracy. Instead  Ms. Hillary Clinton said that: “But, even as we celebrate this progress, we do know that too many people in Africa still live under longstanding rulers, men who care too much about the longevity of their reign, and too little about the legacy that should be built for their country’s future. Some even claim to believe in democracy – democracy defined as one election, one time,” a statement that received most of the applause and standing ovation.

According to sources in Addis Abeba, the statement appears to target  the leaders of  Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia,  Erythrea,  and Zimbabwe. In fact,  US Secretary of State Clinton’s s speech follows recent reports from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International accusing the Rwandan Government of grave human rights abuses and repression. Last month, the British  police and intelligences services also warned Rwandans opposition leaders of assassination attempts  directed against them  by Rwandan intelligence operatives.   In the same month, Ugandan political opposition leader Kizza Besigye was mistreated by Ugandan security forces and has been in USA for medical treatment.

The statement also comes as the Rwandan dictator President Paul Kagame was wrapping up a visit in the  United States, during which he met widespread protests  by Americans, Canadians, Rwandans, Congolese,  and Burundians. The protesters,  who filled the streets of  the city of Chicago  surrounded  the four star  hotel where Paul Kagame held a banquet, accused the Rwandan dictator of corruption, assassination of six million congolese and Rwandans, genocide,  war crimes and crimes against humanity. The banquet was attended by paid Rwandan government supporters from Rwanda, Canada, and the United States and according to estimates,  costed US $600,000, a good fortune in a country where the average family lives on less than one dollar a day.

The US Secretary of State gave a warning to these leaders: “Now, this approach to governing is being rejected by countries on this continent and beyond. Consider the changes that have recently swept through North Africa and the Middle East. After years of living under dictatorships, people have demanded new leadership; in places where their voices have long been silenced, they are exercising their right to speak, often at the top of their lungs. In places where jobs are scarce and a tiny elite prospers while most of the population struggles, people – especially young people – are channeling their frustration into social, economic, and political change.

Their message is clear to us all: The status quo is broken; the old ways of governing are no longer acceptable; it is time for leaders to lead with accountability, treat their people with dignity, respect their rights, and deliver economic opportunity. And if they will not, then it is time for them to go.”

On a positive note, Rwanda along with  Zambia, Mali, and Ghana was praised for its economical successes.

©AfroAmerica Network, All Rights Reserved


NoDocumented Collaboration Among Kayumba, Karegeya RUD-Urunana and FDLR, UN Experts Says

New York, June 8, 2011.

In their interim report published on June 7, 2011 and presented in front of the United Nations Sanctions Committee, the UN Panel of experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)  have rejected Rwandan Government’s allegations accusing two exiled Tutsi military leaders General Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Karegeya of collaboarating with the Hutu rebel groups of  Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) and  Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana).

The Group would like to clarify that, contrary to reports in the Rwandan press, the Group’s final report in November 2010 did not document any substantial links with, or material support to, FDLR by the Rwandan dissidents Colonel Patrick Karegeya and Lieutenant General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa, aside from a potential emissary who may have visited armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo in February 2010, ” the UN experts said.

On January 21, 2011, during a summit of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (Communauté économique des pays des Grands Lacs, CEPGL) in Kigali,  Rwandan Government officials had alleged that “an alliance between armed groups operating in Rutshuru, with the alleged support of Rwandan dissidents Lieutenant General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa and Colonel Patrick Karegeya, had the potential to destabilize the whole region

The UN Experts added that  RUD Urunana leaders denied any collaboration between RUD-Urunana and FDLR or RUD-Urunana and  Rwandan National Congress (RNC), a political organization linked to the two exiled Tutsi high ranking officers. RUD-Urunana and another  Rwandan Tutsi rebel group, the Rally for the Rwandan People (RPR) form the National Democartic Congress (NDC).

The experts said: “At the outset of its mandate, the Group met with the Secretary-General of RUD, Félicien Kanyamibwa, and its spokesperson Augustin Dakuze, who sought to respond to the Group’s final report of 2010 (S/2010/596). They denied any responsibility for events ending the Kasiki demobilization process in February 2009, instead blaming its failure on alleged attacks by Rwandan forces, the outcome of a visit to assess conditions in Rwanda in January 2009 and the rapprochement between the Governments of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They also disavowed political connections with FDLR or the Rwandan National Congress.” (see also AfroAmerica Network article: UN Security Council Meet Rwandan Opposition Leaders of February 9, 2011)

However, the UN Experts confirmed that Tribert Rujugiro, a Rwandan Tutsi magnate and a personnal advisor to the Rwandan dictator  General Paul Kagame was funding the Congolese rebels of the CNDP.  According the the UN Experts: “the Group gathered testimony from numerous CNDP officers that Mr. Rujugiro provided support to their movement. These allegations were confirmed by at least three independent sources.“  The UN Experts also confirmed that Tribert Rujugiro is a Congolese, not a Rwandan because  ”in contrast, the documents annexed as “Exhibit L”, pertaining to the lands owned and acquired by Mr. Rujugiro, all indicate that Mr. Rujugiro was born on 4 August 1941 in the locality of Jomba, which is in Rutshuru Territory, North Kivu Province, and that he has Congolese nationality. These documents are duly dated and signed.”

A final report from the UN Group of Experts will be issued in November 2011.

©AfroAmerica Network. All Rights Reserved 2011


Rwandan Response to UN Human Rights Council on Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Fails to Dispel Accusations of  Human Rights Abuses

In January 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council, through the Universal Periodic  Review  (UPR) Working Group issued a Human rights report on Rwanda. The report identified several areas of human rights abuses by the Rwandan Government , its police, army and militia and proposed recommendations to address them. The Rwandan government, in a  lengthy response, rejected most of the findings,  asserting that the group  overlooked the achievements and the planned initiatives undertaken by the current administration  to promote the respect of human rights.

On May 30, 2011, in the report A/HRC/17/4/Add.1 the UN  Human Rights council UPR committee published  the Rwandan government response outlining  the stated initiatives to remedy the grave abuses committed by government officials, the Rwandan Defense Forces and the Local Defense Forces, a government militia.

The UPR report  had singled out   several areas, including the following points documenting grave human rights by the Rwandan government.

  • Freedom of association and political rights
  • Freedom of expression and access to information
  • Recommendation no 58: Urgently investigate cases of arbitrary arrest and detention, including those which may constitute enforced disappearances (Sweden)
  • Recommendation no 69: Adopt concrete measures to avoid discrimination and protect the rights of the peoples of the Batwa community and other minorities as well as request technical assistance from the United Nations to identify their basic social needs ( Spain)
  • Recommendation no 70: Further ensure that the country’s religious minorities are able to freely practice their respective beliefs (USA)
  • Recommendation no 71: ensure that children under the age of 18 were not recruited into any armed group on the national territory (Slovenia); Prohibit child recruitment into Local defense Forces or into any armed group (Hungary)
  • Recommendation no 72: take concrete measures in addressing the problem of human trafficking including by tackling the root causes, introducing effective prevention measures, timely prosecution and punishment of traffickers and providing protection and support to victims (Malaysia)

What is surprising  in the response by the Rwandan government is the  staunch defense of the Local Defense Forces (LDF),  overwhelmingly accused by various human rights organizations of being an instrument of repression,  and the children camp of Iwawa,  that was compared by several independent media and observers to a concentration camp and the Soviet Union gulag.

UPR report had documented  cases in which LDF of recruited children and/or was  responsible for most grave rights abuses in the countryside.

According the Rwandan government “Local Defence Force which has been trained to maintain security among the population. Laws governing the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), the Rwanda National Police (RNP) and the Local Defence Force (LDF) are very clear: no one can be recruited to join any of the three forces before attaining 18 years.

Regarding Iwawa, the Rwandan government claims to have “established Iwawa vocational centre ( based at Iwawa Island in the Western Province) where former young street children (who are more than 18 years old) are taught various professional skills like commercial farming, construction, carpentry, tailoring, among others.”

Regarding the Batwa and indigenous groups, the Rwandan government response appears to deny the existence of such groups, by stating that: ” ..Rwanda has vulnerable and marginalized groups but no indigenous people have been identified in Rwanda. It is not yet scientifically proven which group was the first to settle in Rwanda. What is scientifically proven is that all Rwandans belong to one ethnic group: they speak one language, share one culture and a common destiny.

The Rwandan government response appears to contradict itself by  denying  the existence of groups among  the Rwandans, while recognizing them. Also, the response appears to defy the anthropological  studies  on ethnic groups residing in  African great lakes region, that show based on scientific research that the pygmees, a group including the Rwandan Batwa, were  the first inhabitant of the region. Also, the Rwandan statement appears to be in contradiction with the official line on the  1994 civil war.

The official government line is that the 1994 civil war resulted in the genocide of Tutsis. If the government response is consistent , then the Tutsis as a group could not exist, hence the government official line on the 1994 civil is a contradiction.

The Rwandan government accuses the FDLR of rather being the one responsible for the abuses described in UN UPR report. .

© AfroAmerica Network. Copyright. All Rights Reserved



Congolese Troops Crash with Civilians in Kiwandja

On Sunday May 29, 2011 violent riots erupted in Kiwandja town of Northern Kivu province of Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Groups of disgruntled civilians attacked FARDC and MONUC troops after two civilians were assassinated in what the FARDC commanders said was FDLR attack but the population said was an attack by Rwandan Defense Forces soldiers within the FARDC.

On Sunday morning rioters barricaded the  axis between Goma and  Butembo in Kiwandja,  stopping the movement of vehicles and people . The angry rioters then moved towards Rutshuru. Some threw stones at MONUC peacekeepers, accusing them of not providing adequate security. They also singled out FADRC troops sent in as reinforcement to fight off the attackers,  accusing them of being Rwandan soldiers.

The Congolese civil society weighted in, complaining of the militarization of the Rutshuru territory,  that is,  according, to the spokesperson, John Claude Babanze, at the root of the insecurity.

The situation remained tense as of Monday May 30, 2011 night.

Based on slogans from the rioters, most of the insecurity is allegedly caused by Rwandan soldiers within FARDC who attack civilians but disguise themselves as FDLR or RUD-Urunana soldiers. FDLR and RUD-Urunana are rwandan rebels based in Congolese jungles.

On Monday, a spokesperson of RUD-Urunana, Colonel Jean Michel Africa confirmed the allegations of the congolese rioters and civil society. He said most of the insecurity is caused by Rwandan soldiers who deserted FDLR and RUD-Urunana and joined the Rwandan Defense forces before being sent back to the DRC.



Rutshuru:  7  Rwandan and FARDC soldiers killed and 1 injured Rwandan rebel captured

May 26, 2011

Heavy fightings erupted between the FARDC troops supported by Rwanda Defense Forces and Rwandan rebels in the Rutshuru area since late last week.
The heavy fithing erupted when 12 special forces entered the rebel held area and attempted to kill one of their commanders. Instead of attacking the Rwandan rebels, they attacked a Mai-Mai group led by Colonel Sadam, an ex-FARDC commader who defected late last year. Colonel Sadam was initially based in Walikale, in the Walowa Loanda village before moving to Masisi/Rutshuru earlier this year, along with other FARDC soldiers who defected with him.

The 12 Rwandan special forces include former FDLR defectors, under the command of Rwandan Defense Forces. As of the time of the article the figthing is still on-going. AfroAmerica Network is trying to find out who, among the numerous Rwandan rebels groups, was targeted by the Rwandan special forces.

Late Wednesday May 25, 2011, the FARDC commander Colonel Yav, speaking on local media, accused the FDLR of having killed 6 civilians when the latter raided a village of Katwiguru, in Rutshuru area. However, the local population contacted denied the raid by the rebels, but rather accused the Rwandan Defense Forces within the FARDC of assassinating the civilians after they fell in Rwandan rebels’  ambush that killed the 7 soldiers.

Copyright AfroAmerica Network, May 2011