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Joseph Bideri, CEO of Rwandan Intelligence Media, New Times, Arrested

Joseph Bideri, the Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief of Rwandan Intelligence Services’ news media group, New Times, has been arrested over the night, AfroAmerica Network correspondents in Kigali report.
The New Times is an umbrella of news media controlled by Rwandan Intelligence services. It includes the New Times English daily newspaper, the Sunday Times English weekly newspaper, Izuba Rirashe Rwanda newspaper, The New Times English Online, and Izuba Rirashe Rwanda Online. According to the US Embassy in Rwandasee our article US Embassy in Rwanda: New Times, Government Mouthpiece Run by Rwandan President’s Office., they all serve as a mouthpiece of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame. Joseph Bideri has been a front man, while the Rwandan Intelligence Chief, Dr. Emmanuel Ndahiro is the “eminence grise”, the behind the scenes boss.
In October 2010, Joseph Bideri fled to Canada, where he is a citizen, following allegations of mismanagement and embezzlement (see AfroAmerica Network article: CEO of Rwandan Intelligence Media, New Times, Joseph Bideri Flees to Canada of Monday, October 4, 2010″. He was allegedly bribed into coming back and returned to Rwandan after close to a month. He soon realized the trap and tried to flee again. According to sources close to his family, the security net around him was so tight he has been under a virtual house arrest for the last year.

Mr Joseph was arrested today on Monday 14 2011 in the morning, interrogated for most of the day by [click to continue…]


French Judge To Confirm Habyarimana Juvenal Plane Shot Down by RPF

Sources close to the French Judiciary system tell AfroAmerica Network that the French Judges Marc Trevin and Nathalie Poux will soon publish their long awaited report on the April 6, 1994 shooting down of the plane carrying the Rwandan and Burundian presidents Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira and their staff.
The assassination of the two presidents triggered the 1994 Rwandan massacres that shocked the World.

The two French judges have been working on the case for some time, after taking over from the retired Judge Bruguiere. In September 2010 they made a trip to Rwanda and brought in experts to reconstruct the attack. The results, with ballistic reconstructions, were first expected in early March 2011. Due to unknown reasons, that some experts say were related to the timing which coincided with the sensitive April month, the publication was postponed, to June 2011.
However, June 2011 appeared also not politically and diplomatically acceptable given [click to continue…]


Eglise du Christ au Congo, ECC, has accused the Congolese militias known as Raiya Mutomboki of massacring 49 Rwandan Hutu refugees in the night of 22-23 October 2011.

In a statement sent out by the Eglise du Christ au Congo (ECC) and received by AFroAmerica Network, ECC gives details on the attacks by the Raiya militias. These militias attacked the village of Sangingi, in the locality of Kisenya, Area of Bakili, Territory of Shabunda. They then continued to the adjacent villages of Malanga where they killed 13 people and Kisenya, where they killed another 36 people.
The 49 victims were buried on Tuesday October 25, 2011 by [click to continue…]


Rwandan Troops Massacre Congolese Hutu in Jomba, Kivu.

Sources close to the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) tell AfroAmerica Network that Rwandan Defense Forces units, that include several ex-rebels from the CNDP and the FDLR who had returned to Rwandan in the last years, have launched operations in the area of Jomba and Rutshuru over the week of October 24 to 30, 2011.
During the operations, Rwandan Defense Units massacred several civilians, mostly with machetes and knives.
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Part IV of AfroAmerica Network’s series: The Dilemma of Dictators focused on arguably the most ruthless, corrupt, and cunning dictator that Africa has ever known: the self styled General Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda.
As we write this, the extent of his appalling human rights record and massacres and his empire of corruption is being exposed even further. Based on what AfroAmerica discovering, thanks to new sources, the facts outlined in Part IV appear to be a tiny tip of a large deep sea iceberg.
Several economic actors have learned the hard way how, using political manoeuvers, intimidation, and spoliation, General Paul Kagame is able to squeeze them out of the country, regardless of how mighty they may be. In Wikileaks cables, US Embassy says that “Chevron closed shop in Rwanda citing fraud in its Rwandan operations (including in the alleged fueling o MONUC aircraft … and friction with the Government of Rwanda on compliance with US sanctions against fueling aircraft from Sudan and Iran… [Chevron] accused Rwandair (government owned) and the government of Rwanda in the fraudulent acts … Chevron’s withdrawal raises questions on the country’s …record on corruption”
The businesses once owned by Chevron are now in the hands of Kagame’s brother-in-law, the brother of the equally corrupt Mrs Janet Kagame

Today’s Part V of the series shifts the focus to another African corrupt leader, Teodor Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has been ruling over the tiny oil-rich county of Equatorial Guinea for more than 32 years. He overthrew, in a bloody coup-d’etat, a more vicious dictator Macias Nguema [click to continue…]


In Part III of our series, the Dilemma of Dictators, we urged dictators to break the cycle of violence and fade away in peace, instead of being haunted by the ghosts of their crimes for years in dark cells, if not killed in the process, meeting the same fate as Samuel Doe, Nicolae Ceausescu, and Benito Mussolini.

As we write this Part IV, one of the enduring African dictators, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya has been killed as predicted. We had predicted that he was on his way out, but his tragic end and his suffering were worse than we even dared to imagine: apparently shot, then hiding in a sewage pipe, captured alive, dragged in the streets, and finally shot like a dog. His son went through the same ordeal. That is how many despots and tyrants die.
There is no joy at seeing him killed this way. Humanity deserves [click to continue…]


AfroAmerica Network correspondents in North-Kivu province of Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in Kigali, Rwanda report that the units of the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) that have been infiltrating the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo have started military operations and looting in the areas of Rutshuru and Masisi.
The Rwandan Defense Forces units have been crossing the border between Rwanda and the DRC over the last few months wearing FARDC uniforms and were disguised as former CNDP rebels. These Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) units include most of the former Rwandan rebels from FDLR and RUD combatants who were repatriated by the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of the Congo (MONUSCO) over the last three years. After undergoing rehabilitation in the camp of Mutobo [click to continue…]


The US based Enough Project is requesting that troops composed by elite forces be formed to deal with FDLR military leaders. At the same time, Enough urges the US Government to “work at a senior level with Rwanda and donor countries to design a specialized demobilization, dialogue, and economic reintegration program for mid-level FDLR commanders.”
In the report titled “U.S. Congo Policy Matching Deeds to Words to End the World’s Deadliest War, published by Aaron Hall and Sasha Lezhnev of Enough Project on October 4, 2011, Enough observes that after all other military initiatives have failed to dismantle the FDLR organization, eliminating FDLR military leaders may be the only remaining option.
According to Enough, U.S. policy regarding the FDLR [...] has been a case [click to continue…]


On October 1, 2011, Major Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, former Secretary General of the Rwandan ruling party, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), Ambassador of Rwanda to the United States, and Chief of Staff for President Paul Kagame has revealed, in a press release to the media obtained by AfroAmerica Network, that the current Rwandan President is directly and peronnaly responsible of assassinating the former Rwandan and Burundian presidents Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira along with their staff and crew.
In his statement dated October 1, 2011, Theogene Rudasingwa says: “The truth must now be told. Paul Kagame, then overall commander of the Rwandese Patriotic Front, was personally responsible for the shooting down of the plane.
In July, 1994, Paul Kagame himself, with characteristic callousness and much glee, told me that he was responsible for shooting down the plane. Despite public denials, [click to continue…]


Over the last six months, AfroAmerica Network has been conducting an extensive journalistic investigation on what the Rwandan government has been calling King Kigeli’Army.
Rwandan government officials have been accusing King Kigeli’s Army of seeking to overthrow the RPF government and replace it with the monarchy. Several people, mostly from the ethnic Tutsi minority have been arrested, tortured and thrown in jail by Rwandan security services and accused of being members of the King’s army. In this and upcoming articles, AfroAmerica Network will share with the readers the results of the investigations based on [click to continue…]