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Dr Susan Rice – AfroAmerica Network Woman of Year 2011


She is known to be the one woman in the world dictators, especially African dictators fear the most; from the late General Mobutu Sese Seko Wa Zebanga, to the old generation Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe to the new breed of African dictators, like General Paul Kagame of Rwanda or Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Black woman, born into a Black elite family, on November 17, 1964, in the US Capital, Washington, DC, she may have been destined to reach great heights in life.

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As predicted in our  August 19, 2011 article titled “ Trials of FDLR Leaders Face Hurdles” (click here) , the trials at the International Criminal Court at the Hague of FDLR leaders have started to collapse.

In a  December 16, 2011 statement from the ICC, the judges have dismissed the case against Callixte Mbarushamina, the former Executive Secretary of FDLR, admitting that there are not enough proofs of his involvement in the crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) between January and  December 2009.

The majority of the  ICC judges  even rejected the qualification [click to continue…]


Sources in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have informed AfroAmerica Network that Veteran Congolese opposition politician Etienne Thisekedi is very ill.
According to the sources, Mr Etienne Tshisekedi has been bedridden since the publication of the controversial results of the November 28, 2011 elections, in which, according to the Congolese electoral commission, CENI, he lost to the incumbent Joseph Kabila.
After the publications of the results on December 9, 2011, he rejected the results and declared himself the winner and the de facto sole President of the DRC. He has never been seen in public since.
His closest aides, especially his UDPS party’s Secretary General Jacquemin Shabani has been saying that [click to continue…]


The Electoral Commission of the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) known as CENI has declared the incumbent President Joseph Kabila the winner of November 28, 2011 elections. According to the CENI, he obtained 49% of the vote against 32% for veteran opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi.
The rather “expected-unexpected” results appear to have thrown the Congolese people and Congolese experts in intellectual, diplomatic and political limbo, leaving them to wonder what comes next.
From the initial results early this month, it appeared that Etienne Tshisekedi was predicted to win the people’s votes, but lose the certification of official election results(see our December 2 article here).
The electoral commission, the police and the supreme court all belong to Joseph Kabila. In fact, the national police (PNC) is led by a former Rwandan backed CNDP/RCD rebel turned Joseph Kabila’s right hand man, General [click to continue…]


The situation is tense in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo following the rumors that early counts show the veteran Congolese Etienne Tshisekedi has overwhelmingly won elections. Since yesterday, the military officers of the former Rwandan backed rebels, CNDP and Serufuri’s RCD have been mobilizing their militants against what they call the “upcoming Western DRC tyranny,” in a reference to the regime that will be implemented when and if [click to continue…]


Mai-Mai Cheka Slapped with Sanctions by the UN Security Council

On 28 November 2011, the United Nations Security Council has slapped the notorious Congolese warlord, Ntabo Ntaberi also known as Mai-Mai Cheka or Sheka, of sanctions. The UN accuses him of carrying out attacks on mines in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including taking over the Bisiye mines and extorting from locals.

Mai-Mai Sheka is also accused of planning and executing massive rapes of women, especially those committed in Walikale territory from July 30 to August 2, 2010.
Other crimes include raping, enslaving, and recruiting children.

Last week, Mai-Mai Cheka assassinated an FDLR commander, Colonel Sadiki, who was once his ally (see our article here)

Ntabo Ntaberi Sheka, is Commander-in-Chief of the political branch of the Mayi Mayi Sheka. He is now running for a seat as parliament representative, with the backing and financial support from Rwandan leaders. The UN Security Council has called on the DRC government to arrest and try him. But few expect that the calls will be heeded, as other alleged war criminals indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal, such as General Bosco Ntaganda, continue to lead units and battalions of the Congolese army, FARDC.

©AfroAmerica Network, 2011.

The Mayi Mayi Sheka group


AfroAmerica Network has learned that the West and South Africa have been developing power succession plans for three countries in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Uganda.
The plans, already in advanced stages, include three scenarios:

  • Succession through elections
  • Succession through peacefully handing over power
  • Coup-d’etat

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the most likely scenario developed by the West is succession through elections. DRC is holding elections on November 28, 2011. The West and South Africa expect the veteran politician Etienne Tshisekedi to become president, whether legitimately elected or not. According to sources, emissaries from the West and South Africa [click to continue…]


Sources close to the National Intelligence Security Services (NISS) have informed AfroAmerica Network that Boniface Rucagu, the head of Intore, the youth militia of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), has been undergoing tough interrogations over his relationships with a United States based Rwandan human rights activist named Gatebuke.
It is alleged that a certain Gatebuke and his relatives have been particularly active in campaigns against the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame during the visits to the United States, while maintaining close relations with Boniface Rucagu.
According to the same sources, Boniface Rucagu, who is viewed as the most influential RPF leader hailing from Northwestern Rwanda, is accused of [click to continue…]


FDLR Commander Colonel Sadiki Killed by Mai-Mai Cheka

The FDLR commander of the most active battalion in North Kivu, Colonel Jean Marie-Vianney Kanzeguhera, aka  Colonel Evariste aka Colonel Sadiki was killed by the Congolese Mai-Mai Sheka aka Cheka on Sunday November 20, 2011, sources within  MONUSCO tell AfroAmerica Network. The Mai-Mai Sheka killed him during an ambush and in an apparent assassination.

Colonel Sadiki was perhaps the most capable among the FDLR commanders, the only one who had managed to become independent from  the general command.  According to the same sources, [click to continue…]


Sources within the office of the Secretary General of the ruling party, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), inform AfroAmerica Network that the RPFis finalizing a plan to expropriate businessmen who have a dual Rwandan-Congolese citizenship and confiscate their property to the benefits of the party. AfroAmerica Network has obtained the list of the people targeted. The list is given below, along with the plates and number of the vehicles to be seized, the phone numbers, the function and where these business people are frequently found. For reasons related to the security of the individuals, AfroAmerica Network has blanked out names, the plates and phone numbers.

According to the sources, the Rwandan Patriotic Front and Rwandan intelligence services suspected these businessmen of supporting [click to continue…]