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US Government Warns Governments Supporting Rebellions in DRC

In a firm statement, the US Department of State has warned against supporting rebel groups and mutineers operating in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). In a statement published on June 6, 2012 titled “Situation in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (see statement here) , the US State Department spokesperson Marck C, Toner, said that: “The United States is concerned by the continued mutiny of officers and soldiers formerly integrated into the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and now operating in North Kivu province as an armed group under the name M23, and by recent reports of outside support to M23.”
The statement follows the widely mediatized condemnation of the support of the rebel group M23 and General Bosco Ntaganda, an indicted war criminal, by the Rwandan Government and its top military brass. According to [click to continue…]


In a stunning, yet predicable court ruling, the Hague based International Criminal Court (ICC) rejected accusations leveled by the Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo against Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) leaders over this week. In the second of two rulings, the judges at the ICC dismissed the prosecutor’s application for an arrest warrant against General Sylvester Mudacumura, the military wing commander of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), for crimes committed in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
A day earlier, the ICC judges upheld an earlier ruling by a lower court chamber dropping similar charges against Callixte Mbarushimana, the FDLR secretary general.

According to sources at the Hague, one of the major pieces used in the decision is the AfroAmerica article of September 9, 2010 titled “Is UN Atul Khare falsely accusing FDLR and Mai-Mai of rapes in DRC?” (see here). According to the same sources, [click to continue…]


Situation à l’Est de la RDC: Il est grand temps de revisiter  l’Accord  du 27 janvier 2009 entre le Congrès National Démocratique (CND) et Le Gouvernement de la RDC.

Une fois de plus, l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo est mis à feu et à sang par des milices et divers seigneurs de guerre, la plupart avec l’appui de gouvernements étrangers. Selon des organisations non gouvernementales sur le terrain, le bilan humanitaire a atteint des proportions catastrophiques, pendant que la Communauté Internationale s’emploie à trouver une voie de sortie. Pourtant, il y a trois ans, le 27 Janvier 2009, le gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo et les représentants du Congrès National Démocratique (CND) ont signé un accord qui a proposé une feuille de route en vue de prévenir ce genre ce catastrophe. La dite feuille de route constitue sans aucun doute et jusqu’à ce jour la meilleure solution pour résoudre l’impasse, prévenir de futures catastrophes et créer les conditions pour promouvoir la paix, la stabilité et la prospérité dans la région des Grands Lacs d’Afrique. La négociation de la feuille de route a été facilitée et soutenue par trois des organisations les plus réputées pour leurs initiatives de paix et leur connaissance du paysage politique et social dans la région des Grands Lacs de l’Afrique: Sant ‘Egidio, Senter  Interkulturell Kommunikasjon – SIK (SIK- Norvège) et Eglise du Christ au Congo (ECC-Congo).

1.Position  du Congrès  National  Démocratique  sur  le conflit

Le Congrès National Démocratique (CND) est la coalition entre le Ralliement pour l’Unité et la Démocratie (RUD-Urunana) et le Rassemblement du Peuple Rwandais (RPR). Le CND a donc une connaissance suffisante des problèmes [click to continue…]


Situation in Eastern DRC:  The Time to Revisit  the Jan 27, 2009 Accord Between the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and DRC Government is Overdue.
The Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is once again put to fire and sword by various militias and warlords, most the backing from foreign governments. According to non government organizations on the ground, the humanitarian toll has reached catastrophic proportions as the World body is trying to figure out what to do. Yet, three years ago, on January 27, 2009  the government of the  Democratic Republic of the Congo and the leaders of the  National Democratic Congress (NDC) signed an agreement that proposed a roadmap that arguably constitutes to date the best solution to resolve the on-going impasse, prevent such catastrophes and  create conditions for  fostering peaceful, stable and prosperous societies in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The compelling roadmap was mediated and supported by three of the most reputable organizations renown for their proven peace initiatives and their  knowledge of the political and social landscape in Great Lakes Region of Africa: Sant’ Egidio Community, Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon – SIK ( SIK-Norway and Eglise du Christ au Congo (ECC-Congo).


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) is the  coalition between the Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and the Rally of the Rwandan People (RPR). The  NDC hence has  [click to continue…]


On May 22, 2012, the UN Secretary General Special Representative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), Roger Meece, briefed the UN Security Council on the deteriorating situation in the DRC.
During his press conference, [click to continue…]


Sources within the Congolese military, FARDC, inform AfroAmerica Network that a large number of Rwandan Government soldiers, otherwise known as Rwandan Defense Forces, have been killed or injured in a counter-attack by the FARDC supported by MONUSCO. Rwandan troops have been infiltrating the DRC as a reinforcement to CNDP rebels. Over the last week, the Rwandan Government has sent into the DRC [click to continue…]


I.The Noose Tightening around General Ntaganda’s neck tautens General Kagame’s Throat
This Tuesday May 8, 2012 we stumbled across a surprising article. Written by Joseph Rwagatare of The New Times of Rwanda and featured among the top headlines, the article has a surprising title:”Rwanda: Gen. Ntaganda Is Only a Pawn in a Wider Game.” Really! General Bosco Ntaganda, a pawn!
But this is not the most surprising. As it was stated on several occasions by Western embassies in Rwanda, including the US Embassy, The New Times, run by Rwandan intelligence services, is the unofficial [click to continue…]


Colonel Makenga: the New Rwandan Proxy Warlord in DRC

First there was the renegade General Laurent Nkunda, then the indicted war criminal General Bosco Ntaganda, and now the soon-to be General Colonel Sultani Makenga. What do they have in common?
All three are from Rwandan ethnic Tutsis, who fought within Rwandan Patritiot Front Army (RPA) from 1990-1997, became part of the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF), were sent into Zaire, now the DRC, to fight for Laurent Desire Kabila, [click to continue…]


Rwanda Sends 3 Thousand Troops in DRC

Sources in Kigali and Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) inform AfroAmerica Network that the Rwandan Government has sent more than three thousand troops into the DRC over the last three days.

The deployment of Rwandan troops into DRC follows an agreement between the intelligence services of the two countries and the meeting between the Defense Ministers.
The Defence Ministers met last week in the Rwandan border town of Gisenyi, whereas the intelligence services met in Kigali on May 3, 2012.
According to the sources, [click to continue…]


General Bosco Ntaganda Moving troops to Ituri and Masisi

Sources close to the renegade General Bosco Ntaganda inform AfroAmerica Network that he has started to move his troops and the headquarter of his rebellion to the Oriental Ituri Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), while reinforcing his grip on the Masisi area in North-Kivu province. According to the same sources, his troops are moving to Ituri with the help of [click to continue…]