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Congo – Rwanda: Is It the Beginning of the Divorce?

Over the week, Rwandan and Democratic Republic of the COngo (DRC) governments delegations were in front of the United Nations Security Council.
The two delegations were defending their respective and divergent positions about the infamous M23 rebels. For DRC, the aim was to confirm UN Group Experts’ findings that Rwandan government officials and Rwandan Defense Forces have been training, arming, reinforcing and funding and militarily supporting the M23 congolese rebels. [click to continue…]


On Tuesday August 28, 2012 afternoon, the delegation of the Rwandan Government was in front of the UN Security Council in New York. The Rwandan delegation composed of four representatives was led by Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister and Government spokeswoman Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo and included the Security Adviser of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, Maj Patrick Karuretwa. The mission of the delegation was to provide [click to continue…]


DRC: What To Do? Experts’ Views

Our article titled: “DRC: What is Wrong With Raymond Tshibanga and Lambert Mende’s Diplomacy and Communication” has generated a lot of noise in Kinshasa and quite a lot of e-mails and comments. Several e-mails asked AfroAmerica Network to make recommendations and outline what to do instead of always pointing to what is wrong. A lot of our readers appreciated the analysis contained in our articles and the balance in the content. However a few vocal readers  felt that AfroAmerica Network was too hard on the DRC Government and not tough enough on the aggressors, meaning Rwanda and Uganda. Yet, another [click to continue…]


The buzz in Kinshasa is how robust and aggressive diplomatic initiatives by the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) against the Rwanda Governement have been lately. However, the reality is that blunders after blunders, cacophony and missteps have marred the action by the DRC government, that has failed to take advantage of the goodwill of the international community.

A Willing International Community.
To prove its successes, the DRC government has been pointing to the recent decisions by the United States of America, [click to continue…]


UN Group of Experts Finds New Evidences of Rwandan Invasion of DRC

UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo has found fresh evidences of Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) invasion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Meanwhile, Rwandan operatives within ICGLR sub-committee continue to assert that the problem in the DRC and the region is caused by the Rwandan rebels from three groups: Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR), Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD-Urunana) and General Kayumba and Colonel Karegeya’s troops.

Fresh Graves and Burial Sites of RDF Soldiers Killed in DRC
According to sources from the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF), [click to continue…]


The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) just concluded in Kampala, Uganda after spending a few days debating on the security situation in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As expected, the 8 heads of states (Francois Bozize of Central African Republic, Joseph Kabila Kabange of DRC, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi, Mwai Kibaki of Kenya, Omar Hassan Ahmed El Bashir of Sudan, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of Tanzania and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda) along with the Minister of Cooperation of Angola, on the behalf of Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of the Congo on the behalf of Denis Sassou-Nguesso, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zambia, on the behalf of Michael Chilufya Sata, talked, debated, argued, threatened, confided, and [click to continue…]


Troops of former Congolese Foreign Affairs Minister and current member of parliament Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi supported by Ugandan Defense Forces have seized the border town and the post of Kasindi in Northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC). The troops seized the town in the night of Thursday August 3, after the FARDC fled and abandoned their weapons and heavy equipment.
Kasindi is a major border post between Uganda and Eastern DRC and serves as the main transit hub between the port of Mombasa via Uganda and the DRC.

Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi hails from the Nande tribe, [click to continue…]


The noose may closing around the Congolese electoral commission (CENI) president
Pastor Daniel Ngoy Mulunda Nyanga. Sources close to a non government organization (NGO) specialized in tracking stolen assets by corrupt dictators, government officials, and their associates, confided to AfroAmerica Network that several months ago an investigation was launched to track [click to continue…]


Sources within M23 Congolese rebels and PARECO-Union des Congolais Patriotes pour la Paix (UPCP) inform AfroAmerica Network that M23 will reorganize after taking Masisi. M23 rebel movement will dissolve into UPCP, led by General Kakulu Sikuli Vasaka Lafontaine.

The decision to dissolve M23 was made early last week, [click to continue…]


M23 Congolese Rebels Advance on Masisi and Lubero.

Sources within M23 Congolese rebels inform AfroAmerica Network that the Congolese rebels reinforced by Rwandan Defense Forces(RDF) are advancing on Masisi and Lubero territories.

According to the sources, the troops advancing on Lubero are under the command of General Sikuli Lafontaine and Colonel Kahasha. Colonel Kahasha [click to continue…]