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James Kabarebe and Joseph KabilaUN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s 2012 final report that is circulating in New York City (see our article here) confirms an open secret: M23 Congolese rebels were created and are funded, supported, armed, trained and reinforced by Rwandan Defense Forces and the overall commander on the rebels is none other than the Rwandan Defense Minister, General James Kabarebe.

(Photo: James Kabarebe and Joseph Kabila)

The UN Experts’s report confirms earlier findings by AfroAmerica Network, especially those published on July 8, 2012 (see our article DRC: Rwandan Defense Forces’ March On Kinshasa Has Begun).
The UN Experts report also documents [click to continue…]


Sources at the United Nations in New York City inform AfroAmerica Network that UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will deliver the final report for 2012 today, October 12, 2012. According to the sources, the report is even more damaging to the Rwandan Government and Military compared to the interim report published in May 2012 and the addendum made public in June 2012.

The final report refers to the addendum of [click to continue…]


Rwanda: IMF and World Bank Reviewing Aid

International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank experts have been in Rwanda since late September 2012, sources in Rwandan Ministry of Finance tell AfroAmerica Network. According to the sources, the reasons behind the IMF and World mission in Rwanda are to evaluate the impact of cutting or suspending aid to Rwanda. The mission is expected [click to continue…]


New York: DRC Joseph Kabila Shines; Rwandan Paul Kagame’s Star Wanes

The United Nations General Annual Assembly was held in New York over this week. Most of the heads of states around the World were there. As usual traffic in New York was a nightmare. But beyond the traffic and the show of riches by heads of states, eyes were focused on an event organized by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: a roundtable on the situation on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where Rwandan government supported M23 rebels have been playing havoc, raping women, mass murdering civilians, and looting (see our article here).
The event, attended by most of the influential African leaders in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa ended with one major consensus: DRC President Joseph Kabila’s usually erratic diplomacy has been slowly gaining much needed respect, whereas Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s diplomacy, [click to continue…]


In our previous article, Is The Noose Closing Around Congolese CENI’s President Pastor Daniel Ngoy Mulunda? of July 31, 2012 AfroAmerica Network promised to update our readers with new information on Congolese CENI President Daniel Ngoy Mulunda Nyanga’s sudden fortune. This is the time to do it. [click to continue…]


Congo M23 Rebellion that has been terrorizing Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), maiming, raping, and mass murdering civilians in North Kivu province is allegedly unravelling. According to sources within M23, the causes of the potential collapse of the short lived rebellion are both internal and external.

External causes.
From its creation, M23 has heavily relied on forces supplied by Rwandan Defense Forces. Rwandan Defense Forces formed [click to continue…]


Rwandan President General Paul Kagame is planning to travel to the United States. He will follow two tracks: attending the United Nations General Assembly and then leading or participating in a series of events, some private and other public, such as Clinton Global Initiative. According to a close aid, as General Paul Kagame is traveling around the world – he has been recently courting Asian governments- one of the major concerns on his mind is a critical dilemma: engaging the opposition or pleasing extremists inside his house of government and the military.
As he is about to travel to the United States, his international standing has never been so weak: [click to continue…]


The political opposition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has accused DRC president General Joseph Kabila of high treason, after it was discovered that Rwandan government had maintained hundreds of Rwandan Defense Forces on the DRC Territory. Now the question is whether Joseph Kabila violated the DRC constitution and is guilty of high treason against his own country. Maybe he is not a traitor or he is. It is a judgment to be made by Congolese citizens. Meanwhile, AfroAmerica Network has a copy of a secret telegram that confirms what Joseph Kabila did with the Rwandan Special Forces. Before our readers learn about the content of the secret telegram, [click to continue…]


As some of the Rwandan Special Forces that have been operating in Eastern DRC have been returned to Rwanda (see here), a debate between the DRC and the Rwandan governments has been raging around the following question: were the Rwandan Special Forces invited into the DRC by Congolese President Joseph Kabila?
Congolese Communications Minister Lambert Mende Omalanga categorically denies the assertion. Rwandan officials, especially the Defense Minister General James Kabarebe, affirm the contrary and state that the Rwandan Special Forces were invited by DRC government in January -February 2009 and that there is a secret accord signed between Rwandan and Congolese top officials. Who is right? [click to continue…]


New Breed of African Dictators: 15 years later

When US president Bill Clinton visited Africa in March 1998, there was hope across Africa. From the US Government perspective, African was finally on the right track. Dictators, Apartheid and dictatorships had been overthrown in South Africa, Ethiopia, Uganda, Eritrea, Zaire, and Rwanda. A new generation of leaders, that President Clinton called “a new breed of leaders” was at the helm. The hopes in African renaissance, democracy and freedom could not be better.
15 years laters, [click to continue…]

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