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On Tuesday November 20, 2012, Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) invaded Goma on two axes. After a few hours of fight, the Congolese army, known as FARDC, fled and the Rwandan backed rebels, known as M23, entered the abandoned city from the outskirts to the North and claimed victory. The seizure of Goma by Rwandan Defense Forces highlighted, once again, the fact that without Rwandan President General Paul Kagame’s Support, M23 rebel group would be inexistent.

AfroAmerica Network sources within Rwandan Defense Forces have given us [click to continue…]


Colonel Albert Kahasha Defects Again A Week After He Surrendered

Colonel Albert Kahasha alias Foka Mike, the commander of one of the Congolese rebels groups allied with M23, has defected once again, less than ten days after he surrendered to the Congolese army, FARDC, sources with Colonel Kahasha tell AfroAmerica Network.

Colonel Kahasha, who was the commander of the 808th regiment of Congolese troops, known as FARDC, defected the first time on January 15, 2012 (see our article Kivu Insurgency: PARECO and FARDC Deserters Take Up Arms Against FARDC and Rwandan Troops of February 16, 2012 other articles about Colonel Kahasha here)..

He is a former Rwandan-Backed CNDP commander who turned ennemy of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, and joined the FARDC. After he joined the FARDC, [click to continue…]


On Tuesday November 20, 2012 night the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution condemning Rwandan Government backed Congolese M23 rebels after they seized the border town of Goma. The UN Security Council also tasked the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon of [click to continue…]


Colonel Albert Kahasha alias Foka Mike, the commander of one of the Congolese rebels groups allied with M23, has surrendered to the Congolese army, FARDC. He gave up the rebellion after months of frustration, bitterness and feeling of betrayal by the Rwandan Military and government leaders, who support and effectively lead the M23 rebels.

According to sources in contact with Colonel Kahasha, [click to continue…]


On November 28, 2012, the United Nations Security Council’s Sanctions Committee will adopt a resolution on the support of Congolese rebels known as M23 by foreign governments and individuals.

During the November 28, 2012 meeting, the chair of the UN Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev from Azerbaijan, is expected [click to continue…]


Why I Voted For President Obama

Why I voted for President Barack Obama for the Second Term.

I just casted my ballot. I took a minute as I reflected on the importance of the moment. I voted for President Barack Obama for the second term.

I voted for Barack Obama for three reasons: he is the right president for the United States of America at this moment, he needs to finish the change agenda he started, and he must fulfill the historical destiny bestowed upon him.

First, President Obama [click to continue…]


Pourquoi j’ai voté pour le Président Barack Obama

Pourquoi j’ai voté pour le Président Barack Obama pour le  second mandat.

Je viens tout juste de remplir mon bulletin de vote. Avant de pousser le bouton, j ‘ai eu une minute de pause en réfléchissant sur l’importance de cette action. J’ai voté pour le président Barack Obama pour le second mandat.

J’ai voté pour Barack Obama, pour trois raisons: il est le meilleur président pour les États-Unis d’Amérique en ce moment, il  doit terminer le programme de changement  commencé il y a quatre ans, et il doit accomplir sa destinée historique.

Tout d’abord, le président Obama est [click to continue…]


The Second Rise of President Barack Obama

Next week, here in the United States of America, we are voting for our President. As the candidates are rushing to the finish line, it is time to remember what happened 8 years ago. It was a historic moment and AfroAmerica Network made a statement about the enthusiasm, the expectations, the hopes, and the anticipation. We wrote the article below in September 2004, on the rise of a man, then Congressman Barack Obama. He was a rising AfroAmerican star in American politics, not yet widely known, but at AfroAmerica Network we felt that the best was yet to come. Now is the right time to revisit the article while reminiscing those moments. (For easy reading, click here to follow the link “Barack Obama Road to the US Congress”>

©2012 AfroAmerica Network. All Rights Reserved


David Himbara: From Kagame’s Palace into Kagame’s Sight

He was very powerful in Rwanda: influential Principal Private Secretary (PPS) to Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame, Chairman of the Human Resources and Institutional Capacity Development Agency (HIDA) of the Rwandan Government and the Head of Strategy and Policy in the President’s Office; [click to continue…]


Presidential Debate in USA: A Model for The Absent Africa?

In less than two weeks, here in the United States of America, we will be voting for our President. The greatest democracy that the World has known will again make history.

After months of Republican primaries, we had a Summer of campaigning by both the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Then, we watched three debates in which the two candidates squared off. According to most observers, Governor Mitt Romney  shined in the first debate, but  President Obama had an overall win when one looks at all the three debates. President Obama won [click to continue…]

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