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Matthias Nyagasaza, a Rwanda Political Figure Dies After Release

Kigali, January 6, 2010

AfroAmerica Network has received information that Matthias Nyagasaza, a  Rwandan political figure and a prominent businessman has died in a hospital in Gisenyi, Rwanda after a controversial release. He was  75 years old .

He  had been held since October 2002 on genocide charges  (read AfroAmerica Network article:  “Kigali:  Matthias  Nyagasaza,  Unity conference participant imprisoned; MDR threatened” of  November 14, 2002  in African Great Lakes [ African Great Lakes  News and Events Roundup in  2002: Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Zaire, Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania] at http://www.afroamerica.net/Africa/Africa_Great_Lakes/Entries/2002/12/31_African_Great_Lakes_Events_Roundup__2002.html

He had been  arrested, along with other businesspeople,  after attending  the Unity and  Reconciliation Conference  held in Kigali on October 26-28, 2002,  despite assurances against any arrest and affidavits of  good behavior and clean judicial record received from the Rwandan  Ambassador in Nairobi,  Seth  Kamanzi, Gisenyi Prefect, Fidele Mitsindo and the Minister of Interior  Security, Jean de Dieu Ntiruhungwa. His welfare went from bad to worse  following constant mistreatment and lengthy court procedures. According to sources in Rwanda, he was abruptly released late last week to avoid  accusations of assassination, when the government realized he was dying.

Matthias Nyagasaza was a brother-in-law of Colonel Bagosora, who is held in Arusha and the in-law of Colonel Sagatwa, who was assassinated in 1994, in a terrorist attack widely blamed on  the military leaders of   current Rwandan regime. Rwandan and Burundian presidents Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira and their close advisers died in the same attack.

©AfroAmerica Network, 2010.

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