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WikiLeaks Documents: Bruguiere Consulted With US Government to Indict Paul Kagame and His Associates For Terrorism

WikiLeaks Rwanda: French Anti-Terrorism Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere Consulted With French and US Government to Indict Rwandan Paul Kagame and His Top Aides; Warned the US Against Better Relations with Rwanda

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WikiLeaks Documents:  Bruguiere Consulted With US Government to Indict Rwandan Officials For Terrorism

Based on the  US State Department’s secret documents leaked by WikiLeaks and obtained by AfroAmerica Network, t 

he anti-terrorism French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere consulted with  both the French

and the US governments for the indictment of Rwandan President Paul Kagame and his closest and top associates in the terrorist attack against the plane  and the assassination of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.  According to the documents, Bruguiere pressed the US Government  to isolate General Paul Kagame’s government.

In the document sent on January 26, 2007 to the US State Department, the ambassador in Paris, Craig Stappleton summarized Bruiguiere’s sentiments:

“Operational relations between  France and the U.S. were excellent, Bruguiere said… He confirmed that he had conferred with GoF [NDLR: Government of France] officials, including President Chirac, on  the timing and fallout of his issuance of arrest warrants against top Kigame aides and warned against better U.S. relations with Rwanda. Bruguiere also confirmed rumors that he will likely be leaving the top terrorism court to pursue political ambitions.

Judge Bruguiere also confirmed that the Government France  expected violent reactions of Paul Kagame against French interests and people in Rwanda:

“Bruguiere confirmed that he had consulted within the  GoF on his issuance of arrest warrants in the cases brought  against nine of President Kagame,s top aides for  assassination of President Habyarimana and three French aircraft crew (see reftel A). He said he presented his decision to French officials, including President Chirac, as his independent judicial right, but chose to consult with them because he was convinced of the need to coordinate timing with the government. Bruguiere said he was not surprised by Rwanda,s official reaction, and said that the GoF had prepared for what it thought would be a violent response against French nationals. He praised his own decision to move forward, adding that the international community had a certain moral responsibility, and that his actions were in the pursuit of justice. Bruguiere was satisfied that the nine individuals he listed could not leave Rwanda without fear of arrest, but was doubtful the ICTR would take up the case.

(COMMENT: Bruguiere,s presented his case in a very professional manner, but he did not hide his personal desire to see Kagame,s government isolated. He warned that closer U.S. ties with Rwanda would be a mistake.



The US Ambassador expressed his satisfaction with Judge Bruguiere and appeared to be relieved that the judge was going to leave behind an institution:

“ 7. (C) Since 1982 Bruguiere has been one of the leading  players in the French fight against terrorism, and he is  considered a leading world expert in terrorism. He has been the chief of the French counterterrorism court, created in 1986, since its inception. He has survived at least one direct assassination attempt, and is the most visible counterterrorism figure in France. Bruguiere,s ambitions  have now turned to the political, however. He told us that he is likely to run for a parliamentary seat later this year.

Bruguiere also casually mentioned that a cabinet post (Minister of Justice) would be his first choice. His  departure will be a loss to the court, but it has become a solid institution under his tutelage and it,s clear that  Bruguiere intends to stay an active part of the C/T community.“

©AfroAmerica Network, November 2010.

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