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Rwandan Opposition Leader Victoire Ingabire Arrested

Rwandan Security Services have rearrested and jailed the beleaguered opposition leader, Ms. Victoire Ingabire after months of house arrest and weeks of permanent police watch around her residence, sources in Kigali tell AfroAmerica Network. Ms. Victoire Ingabire returned from 16 years exile in Europe to contest elections. She was eventually barred from running, accused of “genocide revisionism”, terrorism, and association with Hutu rebels. The  harassment and persecution of Ms. Victoire Ingabire by the Rwandan dictatorship drew worldwide condemnation, including pressure from British, Canadian, United States, and other Western governments  and Human Rights organizations.

She was barred from leaving the country and put under house arrest. The harassment,  persecution, and repression by the Rwandan ruling party, Rwandan Patriotic Front and its notorious security services,  have targeted members of the opposition in order to bar them from running in August 2010 presidential elections. The Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame ran for  president practically unopposed. Other opposition leaders who have been put in jail,  such a Mr. John Bosco Ntaganda of PSI or assassinated, such the Vice-President of  Green Party and a score of  journalists.

See our articles on Ms. Victoire Ingabire on AfroAmerica Network (http://www.afroamerica.net), World Events Pages, especially Rusesabagina targeted through Ingabire, of April 29, 2010

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