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New York, Sep 20, 2010- Spanish activists led by the Spanish Senator  from the Balearic Islands,  Pere Sampol, along with the President of Fundacion S’Olivar, Juan Carrero, demonstrated in New York City,  outside the UN headquarters on Monday September 20, 2010.

The demonstrators, including Spanish,  Americans, Congolese, and Rwandans, blamed the UN for seeking to launder the image of the Rwandan dictator General Paul Kagame and asked the UN Secretary General to revoke  the appointment of Paul Kagame  as the co-chair of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

“We must remember that the Spanish High Court has accused  Paul Kagame of crimes of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorism, looting and the murder of nine Spanish citizens as well as the assassination of  Rwandan and Burundian Hutu presidents, “  Pere Sampol told the media.

“It is ludicrous that a person indicted by France and Spain for crimes of genocide, among many others, has been appointed to lead the United Nations initiative to fight poverty. This is an attempt by the UN leaders to use the institution of the UN to  launder the image of  the worse dictator and criminal ” Sampol added.

The Balearic Senator Pere Sampol was participated vocal against the UN Secretary General,  Ban Ki-Moon, accusing him of  “trying to censor the  [UN Human Rights] report that gives detailed accounts of  the crimes of genocide committed by Kagame in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

“We want UN Secretary General Ban HKi-Moon to revoke the Chairmanship of Kagame and, instead,  bring him to cooperate with the international justice, including  the Spanish judiciary system.”

©AfroAmerica Network, 2010

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