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France seeks Kayumba Nyamwasa Extradition

Paris, France.

After Rwanda , France is the second country to seek the extradition from South Africa of the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba Nyamwasa.  According to Sources in Spain, Spain is also mulling over the various options before requesting the extradition.

Both France and Spain seek Kayumba Nyamwasa to face charges related to his alleged role in the 1994 assassination of the leaders of Rwanda and Burundi. Spain  is mostly  interested in the  1997-1998 massacres of Spanish missionaries in Rwanda and the massacres of 5 millions Congolese. France is also motivated by the cases of  French crew who died during the assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents.

Rwanda accuses General Kayumba Nyamwasa of terrorism.

The South African Minister of Justice, through the spokesperson Tlali Tlali, confirmed the French request.  It appears that France has more chance than Rwanda. In fact the Rwandan government was recently the subject of allegations of involvment in the assassinaton attempt against the exiled General.

The extradition of the general may cause serious problems to the Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame, as the general was privy to all the Rwandan Patriotic Front secrets since its creation and at some point led its intelligence services and became the Chief of Staff.

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