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Rwandan Dossier Against Kayumba and Karegeya: Part I

From our invaluable sources, AfroAmerica has obtained original copies of the dossier concocted by the Rwandan Government  and sent to the South African Government and INTERPOL requesting the arrest and extradition of  the exiled Rwandan General Kayumba  Nyamwasa and Colonel Patrick Karegeya. In the upcoming days, AfroAmerica Network will share with our readers the content of the voluminous  but extremely interesting dossier. The dossier involves the Rwandan Government and South Africa, but also other countries in the region.

In the copy pictured  in our African Great Lakes Pages (click here),  an extract of the original copy shows the Note Verbal sent by the Rwandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the South African High Commission in Kigali. In the subsequent documents composing the dossier,  the Rwandan Government detailed the accusations of terrorism against the two former RPF high ranking military officers and the results of an alleged investigation in the grenade attacks in Kigali.

However, one wonders how the Rwandan Government writes to the South African Government but ends the letter with “renew to the High Commission of the Republic of Uganda the assurances of its highest consideration”. Is it a typo or the fact that initially the letter was to be addressed to the Republic of Uganda, where General Kayumba Nyamwasa had fled? Or is it a confirmation that Rwanda intelligence services are also targeting Rwandan  political and military figures exiled in Uganda.

Further into the dossier,  Martin Ngonga, the Rwandan prosecutor,  writes the following letter to the Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Louise Mushikiwabo.

For more see AfroAmerica Network  in African Great Lakes Pages (http://www.afroamerica.net)

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