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Rewarded for their Role in the Rwandan Tragedy

Today, July 4, 2010, the Rwandan Government has yet again rewarded foreigners who were instrumental in helping the Rwandan Patriotic Front successfully lead its violent armed rebellion. The laureates include some who lobbied on the behalf or the Tutsis rebels, those who provided material support: weapons, money, travel arrangements, facilities, etc. It includes UN officials, US Congressmen, NGOs leaders, European government members, and foreign operatives. The awards show once again how the tragedy in Rwanda was in most part initiated, planned, sponsored, funded, and executed by the very people who were supposed to help avert it.

Given the latest bad press and accusations of assassination  and repression of the opposition leveled against the Rwandan Government , one can’t help but wonder whether the medals  are a welcome gift from the Rwandan Government or a blackmailing and a poisoned chalice  from a desperate regime.

The medal awards by the Rwandan Government may be read by the recipients and their families as follow: “hey, you helped us rebel and fight against a legitimate government and sweep in power;  we have messed up, but you also are  partially responsible. We need your help now, once again or  you will drown with us.

for more Read on on AfroAmerica Network  - Rwanda and DRC Pages (http://www.afroamerica.net).

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