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African Great Lakes Events Roundup: 2006-2007

By following the links below, you will learn about the events and get the news that shook the African Great Lakes Region in the period of 2006 -2007. You will find how news and events makers have shaped the destiny of the nations and the peoples in the region that encompasses the following countries and states: Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire or Congo-Kinshasa), Kenya, Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa.

Among the key news and events makers are: Paul Kagame, Rwandan Patriotic Army, Joseph Kabila, FDLR, UN Security Council, MONUC, Rwanda Patriotic Front, RPA, RPF, Janet Kagame, Michel Bagaragaza, ICTR, Arusha, Juvenal Uwiringiyimana, Paul Rusesabagina, Gerald Gahima, Theogene Rudasingwa, FOCA, Zac Nsenga, Charles Muligande, Interahamwe, ex-FAR, Human Rights Watch, Laurent Nkunda, United States of America (USA), Biruta, RUD-Urunana, RPR, Tutsi, Hutu, Minister Nyatanyi, Ruzibiza, Norway, Alison DesForges, Colonel Nubaha.

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Gisenyi: USA offer Nkunda two options: surrender and exile or fight and die  Dec 1, 2007
Kinshasa: Rwanda and DRC or the frog and the elephant  Nov 19, 2007
New York: United Nations accused of human rights abuses by Rwandan Prisoners   Nov 16, 2007
USA: USA Condemns Renegades Groups; who are they?  Nov 16, 2007
Kigali: Murigande Bullies DRC Over Murwanashyaka’s statements  Oct 26, 2007
Brussels: Key Witness Col Nubaha dying  May 3, 2007
Brussels: Was Prince John Rwigemera Assassinated?  May 1, 2007
Bruguiere enlists USA’s help in Kagame’s indictment  Feb 18, 2007
Rusesabagina vs William Church: a war of words  Feb 4, 2007
Rwandan Ambassador to USA, Zac Nsenga recalled  January 24, 2007
FDLR/FOCA South Kivu Division Commander paralyzed  January 23, 2007
Kigali: Death toll in General Paul Kagame assassination attempt rises  January 23, 2007
Kigali: General Paul Kagame escapes assassination attempt  January 17, 2007
DRC: FDLR-FOCA’s number 2 General Kanyandekwe dies  December 20, 2006
Spain: Spanish Judge continues probes against Rwandan Leaders  December 20, 2006
London: Kagame implicitly admits role in predecessor’s assassination  December 9, 2006
London:In Rwandan Dictator Kagame Europe finds own Saddam Hussein   Dec 7, 2006
Rwanda: Row between Colonel Musitu and Minister Habineza grows   December 4, 2006
Major Furuma to join Rusesabagina’s and N’take’s party   June 4, 2006
A Conference on the Inter-Rwandan Dialogue opens in Spain   June 4, 2006
Senate President Biruta behind MPs’ troubles   May 24 , 2006
Rwandan Defense Minister suspected of intelligence with rebels   May 24 , 2006
Minister Nyatanyi targeted by Tutsi Extremists   May 16 , 2006
After Murwanashyaka, Mudacumura and Mugaragu targeted   May 8 , 2006
Kinshasa and Kigali seek transfer of Murwanashyaka to ICC   May 8 , 2006
Rwandan Ambassador accuses Uganda of arming RUD-Urunana and RPR    March 31 , 2006
Ruzibiza calls on Norwegian government to help avert bloodbath in Rwanda.    March 24 , 2006
Rwandan Tragedy a complex web of factors, Ruzibiza tells ICTR.    March 21 , 2006
Arusha: DesForges confirm family relations with Bagaragaza’s.    March 18 , 2006
Kagame assassinated late President Habyarimana, Ruzibiza tells ICTR.    March 17 , 2006
FDLR remnants hold Congress in the jungle; gets 3 Generals.    February 17 , 2006
EX-FAR officers disappears; Kigeme prison attacked.    February 16 , 2006
Rusesabagina and Oprah: Hutu from North and Rwandan genocide.    February 15 , 2006
30 RPA officers executed in Mulindi; MP disappears.    January 15, 2006
Hunted down and deserted, Murwanashyaka and Mudacumura.    January 14, 2006
UN Security Council widens the list of targeted FDLR leaders.    January 13, 2006
Bruxelles: Uwiringiyimana: was Janvier Buzazi tortured?    January 12, 2006
Brothers Gahima and Rudasingwa to seek asylum in USA    January 5, 2006
Janet Kagame and sister-in-law at daggers over sex, power, and greed   January 5, 2006
Arusha: Bagaragaza to undergo plastic surgery to conceal identity    January 3, 2006

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